Change needed from State Government on Planning – MP Mary Wooldridge now aware.

Tonight Mary Wooldridge had her open community night. And we had a voice, rather several voices.
Thanks to all that attended, and thanks to Mary for the opportunity to share our concerns.

Mary is the Member for Doncaster in Vic State Government. Feel free to contact her via her web site and submit issues.

We put the Curlew 30 apartment development issue to Mary as a State Government responsibility, along these terms:
1. Government creates zoning and pushes for more homes in Melbourne, including Manningham.
2. Builders follow DD08 zone rules, and submit a plan.
3. Council planners check builders’ plans meet zoning rules, not specific local capacities, nor sustainability.
4. Residents object – after learning the rules.
5. Builders not happy with council and residents conditions / requests.
6. Builder goes to VCAT.
7. VCAT check Builder meets DD08 Rules – Plan gets approved without local approval.
Therefore a change needs to be at step one – Government zoning rules need to change.

Mary wants to visit Curlew Court, and see for herself, after which Mary has offered to come to our next town meeting.
She has also committed to getting an update from the planning officer on this specific Curlew court development.

We are planning to have the next town meeting as a major event around DD08.
• Increase awareness of DD08 to all affected – considering a letter drop direct to all 6000+ in the zones.
• Arranging it at the council offices – we need a big room – Jennifer Yang is looking into it.
• Will be in time for the outcomes to affect the July 26th meeting of Council, and the 5-7 Curlew Court decision.

We also met some more concerned residents, who are on the same page as us tonight, and a few familiar faces from the council traffic night.

Much to do – stay tuned for major website update versus tell me which style you prefer.
I need a sketch artist to draw us a banner picture showing a lonely little house, surrounded by high density appartments, all overlooking, etc… a bit like the picture attached but showing the traffic, etc too. It could look good from side to side of the web page. Please tell me if you can help.

Julie has also been very busy, I’ll let her update you all on that.

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