Tell it to the State Gov. Planners.
We were Happy to see this invite arrive in the email today..
“Have your say on improving Victoria’s planning system”
Your submission must be in by August 31st ! – use our samples below.
Why are we happy ? well as I have said previously
The apartment development issue, (and the greater DD08 zone issue,) is a State Government responsibility, along these terms:
1. Government creates zoning and pushes for more homes in Melbourne, including Manningham.
2. Builders follow DD08 zone rules, and submit a plan.
3. Council planners check builders’ plans meet zoning rules, not specific local capacities, nor sustainability.
4. Residents object – after learning the myriad of rules.
5. Builders not happy with council and residents conditions / requests.
6. Builder goes to VCAT.
7. VCAT checks Builder meets DD08 Rules – Plan gets approved without local approval.
Therefore a change needs to be at step one – Government zoning rules need to change.
Have your say, email to:
Please use this cover sheet: 1-1881442-Submissions-cover-sheet-Planning-System-MAC-22-July
Use our sample letters : letter for neighbours to send to minister.
Why it is important to YOU: letter to residents to get support for protest and letters to planning
Full instructions are here on the Gov. Web site : Vic Planning Schemes Review
The email came from the Planning Minister Matthew Guy, via the email of Mary Wooldridge, as below:
One problem though – his press release links to a missing page ! Try this one Instead : Vic Planning Schemes Review
I thought you might be interested in having your say on ways our planning system can be improved. The Coalition Government wants to improve Victoria’s planning system and is now seeking the your view on how that can be done.
This is your chance to tell the Government just what you think of our planning system, what you think works, and what you think does not work.
I’d encourage you to make a submission if you can. Please feel free to send a copy to me for my information.
I’m enclosing a copy of a press release from the Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy which outlines further details. 110714_Guy-Have_your_say_on_mproving_Victorias_planning_system
Now I know I’m not the only one this was sent to, as half a dozen others forwarded it to me as well – Thank you all.
Matthew Guy has removed mandatory height limits in the Boronia activity centre and created a discretionary 7.5m limit. Will he do that for the Doncaster Hill Activity Centre?
For your group, the pertinent statement from his press release is
“I have listened to the community and recognise there needs to be some guidance on what is considered reasonable residential development in residential areas that adjoin activity centres. Planning should never be a ‘one size fits all’ approach,” Mr Guy said.