Update from Shadow Minister for planning
I contacted the Shadow Minister for Planning, Mr. Brian Tees. He has his office in Doncaster so his staffers are well aware of the developments. His office was not aware of the issues in Curlew Crt and so I have sent a letter informing him of this development and the relevant supporting documents. According to his office, Matthew Guy (Planning Minister) is reviewing all things related to planning which may mean we are in “planning limbo” for 2 years. This could be good as I will be requesting a moratorium on all developments until decisions are made. However, it may mean that until a new plan is decided, the current one will continue! If the current plans continue we may expect more development as developers get in before things are changed! And who knows what the new plans will be! I will also be sending a letter to Matthew Guy informing him directly of the issues. Mary Wooldridge did indicate that she would be speaking to him, but a few letters from the residents should help.
Just to add to Les’ comments re the meeting with Mary Wooldridge. Thanks to those who braved the cold night – we had a few of us scattered around the room which made it seem like we were everywhere! Les and I were both delighted when common sense prevailed and Mary agreed to come to Curlew Crt and see for herself.