Month: November 2011

RAIDID Petition Closed 1400 Strong

The RAIDID Over-development Petition is now CLOSED – 1400 signatures handed to Local MP Mary Wooldridge Nov 24th,  2011 for submission to state Government at the last sitting before end of year. A copy was also tabled at Manningham Council meeting 28/11/2011 by Cr Jennifer Yang. Thank you to Jennifer and Mary. Note: Council wouldn’t […]

Gag Cr Stephen Mayne & he votes to allow high-density development in street where he’ll inherit property

This first story was sent in about one of our vocal councillors. Feel free to comment and link in other stories you find about our council, at the bottom of this page. It is time to start thinking about what you would like to see in our next councilors, and who they should be… Mayne […]

Why the east-west road tunnel is a stinker – and Doncaster rail adds up!

THE EAST WEST TUNNEL   DISASTER   BY KENNETH DAVIDSON  YESTERDAY It might ease congestion on Hoddle Street, but it would mean gridlock in the city. Successive Victorian governments have been keen to extend the Eastern Freeway from its Hoddle Street end via a tunnel under Melbourne Cemetery and Royal Park to CityLink. It is a stinker. […]

Livable City Rankings have a message

Rankings have a message MELBOURNE the most livable city in the world? Too right. So, to all the planners, developers and councillors, why would you want to change it? And just where did those cities jam-packed with apartments, crawling traffic and block buildings abutting each other with no garden in between rank? All the way […]

The darker side of urban development

This topic was raised at the council Residential Strategy meeting, with a very unconvincing answer… How would you fell having paid for a solar hot water or electricity system, only to have a neighbours development shadow away it’s effectiveness ? The darker side of urban development The Age : Michael Green    November 6, 2011 What […]