Gag Cr Stephen Mayne & he votes to allow high-density development in street where he’ll inherit property

This first story was sent in about one of our vocal councillors. Feel free to comment and link in other stories you find about our council, at the bottom of this page.

It is time to start thinking about what you would like to see in our next councilors, and who they should be…

Mayne backs higher density in his parents’ street  Manningham leader

THE parents of Cr Stephen Mayne have declined to comment after their son voted in favour of a contentious development in their Templestowe street.

Despite 29 objections against the Hakea St development, which includes four double-storey dwellings on a 858sq m block, councillors voted unanimously to approve it.

Cr Grace La Vella said there was “no case to answer” because the $1.2 million proposal met zoning requirements.

Speaking for the development in his childhood street, Cr Mayne acknowledged it would exacerbate parking issues.

But citing concessions given by the developers to achieve better amenity for neighbours, Cr Mayne “reluctantly” said it should be supported. “Clearly this is not a happy occasion for the residents for Hakea and Hovea street or for me or my parents but at the end of the day we have to make a professional decision,” Cr Mayne said.


HAVE YOUR SAY: Manningham Council considers gag

MANNINGHAM Council is considering restricting councillors’ rights to public comment and ending website access to its meeting recordings.

As reported by Manningham Leader, a controversial motion to impose new bylaws and penalties to prohibit councillors making critical remarks about their colleagues in public and keep recordings for internal use only was tabled by Cr Graeme Macmillan at last night’s meeting.

A constitutional law expert told today’s Leader the plan could breach Australia’s free speech protections.

In a heated debate at last night’s council meeting, the motion was met with derision from Cr Stephen Mayne, to whom it was directed, Cr David Ellis and Mayor Geoff Gough.

But despite this opposition, an amendment to the motion to have council officers investigate the issues was passed. Full story

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