Month: November 2011

2 meetings, 250 attendees, and NO-ONE wants High Rise in Manningham

Manningham council had another information night, last night,  on the proposed residential strategy changes. Some things were clear and consistent. 1. Residents questioned whether the council would actually act upon our requests, and concerns, or just pay lip service. 2. Residents at both “Urban” meetings unanimously voted NO to multi storey apartments. For those statistically […]

Supression of information

This letter was sent to Paul Molan the Director of Planning at Manningham Council, challenging him to explain why residents are not directly mailed to advise them of major zoning changes to their street – likely to affect them dramatically for ever, BUT were notified directly about six hour festival events… The council says that […]

Surveys the Council didn’t want…

Good Evening all,  there has been a lot going on lately, I have just got back into town and the fall lout from the Councils Residential Strategy night was apparent.Lots of residents disappointed in the councils poor effort of resident involvement, and clearly opposite position to the residents they are supposed to represent. The second […]