RAIDID Petition Closed 1400 Strong
The RAIDID Over-development Petition is now CLOSED – 1400 signatures handed to Local MP Mary Wooldridge Nov 24th, 2011 for submission to state Government at the last sitting before end of year.
A copy was also tabled at Manningham Council meeting 28/11/2011 by Cr Jennifer Yang. Thank you to Jennifer and Mary.
Note: Council wouldn’t accept it as a petition as it was “addressed to State Gov” not Manningham Council. But it still was able to be “tabled” for information and reference, and questions from the public at question time. So if you are ever preparing a petition, Address it to State Gov. and local council – get the best mileage.
Thank you ALL that contributed, Kudos to Michelle for the biggest individual collection – well done.
The timing is ideal as it will go to state Gov just after MP Mathew Guy said the following…
$200 billion plan for influx of two million people
The State Government blueprint will examine where new schools, railway stations, town centres, housing and jobs will be created across growth corridors in metropolitan Melbourne.
Planning Minister Matthew Guy told Leader councils will be given a greater say as to where the development should take place.
“It can be done with improvements to transport, regionalising jobs in our suburban centres and better health and education facilities,” Mr Guy said.
“The view that greater density can happen anywhere is not one that I subscribe to.
“We want to get away from days where people living in little courts, or quiet streets, wake up and find 50 apartments are going to be built where one house was.”
Now that does sound like Curlew Court doesn’t it…
1 Comment
Now is crunch time.Who do we vote for?
Magdi has nominated from the Hepburn Road group. What about Grosvenor,Curlew Court,Eastern Golf Course.
Who does RAIDID endorse?