Why the east-west road tunnel is a stinker – and Doncaster rail adds up!
It might ease congestion on Hoddle Street, but it would mean gridlock in the city.
Successive Victorian governments have been keen to extend the Eastern Freeway from its Hoddle Street end via a tunnel under Melbourne Cemetery and Royal Park to CityLink.
It is a stinker. As most of the 40,000 cars hitting Hoddle Street at the morning peak want to get into the city, there will need to be exit ramps into Collingwood, Fitzroy and Carlton — which will cause inner-city gridlock……
…..The so-called ”benefit” of the road tunnel is removal of congestion at Hoddle Street. But this would be more than offset by gridlock in the city centre — and it would destroy the amenity of the inner suburbs and the CBD, which is built on public transport, cycling and walking.
Why spend $10 billion or thereabouts to get a return of $5 billion and create a living hell, when $1 billion to create a Doncaster rail link approaching the city down the middle of the Eastern Freeway could relieve the Hoddle Street pressure and enhance the liveability of the city?
Why have three successive governments obsessed about building the east-west link even though it will hurt motorists as much as the rest of the community? And who benefits?
1 Comment
The Eddington report on the Doncaster Rail showed that a rail line to Doncaster would not ease traffic on the Eastern Freeway.Almost all cars that travel along the freeway now pass railway stations.
I would suggest that Davison looks at the optional route for a rail line from Heidelberg to Westerfolds.There will be a demand for a freeway along this course in the future.The Williamson-Reynolds Road intersection is the busiest in Manningham. Along this route there is ample space for park and ride,bike and walking tracks and this would be less disruptive, less expensive and have a better chance of achieving what Davison desires. Let’s show some vision.This line may then be extended to form an outer circle railway.