In A Stink – Protest

Protest 12.30, 9/7/12 at Manningham Council Offices .

Today saw the Channel 10 coverage of a community rally against the sewage plant proposed by Council and Yarra Valley Water at the Tram Road reserve just 25m from established residences.

Congratulations to Fiona, Ming, Steve on their presentations to the Applewood community.

Thanks Also to the Residents Group for their strong support earlier today.




  1. Ashley says:

    Nobody wants to live in STINKcaster! NO WAY

  2. Colin says:

    The agreement between Yarra Valley Water and Manningham Council for a sewage treatment plant for Doncaster Hill was made in 2008, the middle of a 9 year drought and one year before the Desalination Plant was given the go ahead. A senior YVW executive has admitted that there would be no basis for the sewage plant in Tram Road parkland, had it been discussed today. Melbourne consumes approximately 420 gigalitres per year. The Desalination plant will have the capacity to produce 200 gigalitres per year. While there are no objections for more sewage plants outside of residential areas, there is no longer a justification to locate a sewage plant within 25 meters of an established homes. However Manningham Officers are not bound by such trivial issues as need, community amenity, practicality or viability if it happens to showcase Doncaster Hill.

  3. Ming says:

    NIMBYs Right to Protest Against Sewage Plant

    Regarding the strong community protesting against YVW proposed sewage plant to be built in Manningham park land, 25m from dense residential homes, Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) is one aspect but in a very different context. Sustainable buildings are about how to make energy/water use more efficient and reduce waste within buildings/homes’ “own” backyard. Recent award winning DANDENONG GOVERNMENT SERVICES OFFICES building boosts integrated “rainwater and grey water retention and re-use, solar hot water and waterless urinals.”. Dare to ask if MC2 has these and what will happen to YVW sewage plant (supply recycle water for toilet flushing) when we all opt for waterless urinals? There are many in-build, proven water recycle systems for shopping mall, golf course, offices/apartments to fit in anything you see in Doncaster Hill. There is absolutely no justification to build a carbon-intensive (36.5 million cubic metres of emission 24/7 from the vent stack, plus 1598 tonnes of CO2 from the plant operation per year!) sewage plant next to other people’s backyards, destroying many other homes’ amenity, green rating and community recreational use of park land in the process!

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