Stop the sewage in the park

You can help sort this out – easily. this just in from Fiona, one of the Key organisers against this proposed plant.

Hi Everyone,

I would just like to thank all those who came to the protest – what a success – 3aw, ch7 and ch10 coverage!

Check out this video on YouTube of channel 10 news report:  Youtube

The Melbourne eastern weekly: Article

Please write comments on these articles and feel free to call talkback radio – the more comments the more articles we will get.

For those of you on facebook please like this page: Facebook

What next:  Use this Form Doncaster Sewage plant objection  Email to both EPA and Manningham – both emails at the end of the form.

The next important thing to do is write your comments to the EPA. We have until the 18th of July (BEFORE NEXT WEDNESDAY) to make comments to the EPA on the proposed sewage plant. If the EPA don’t pass it we don’t have to rely on our councillors to do the right thing (and can avoid VCAT). All of the information needed to be able to comment is on their webpage under ‘Works approval and licence applications’. I have also included some information below straight from their webpage. If you don’t know what to write use the information from the objection letter (attached) – but focus on amenity and buffer distances to houses. You can email them your comments

All comments must be made in writing to:   email (

or EPA Victoria,  GPO Box 4395,  Melbourne Victoria 3001

It should include:

• your contact details

• the application number and applicant name

• your comments

• an indication that this is your formal submission

It would also be good to send some emails directly to our councillors because they need to know we are not happy with this proposal. Here are the councillors emails if you want to voice your opinion or ask questions to them directly:;;;;;;;

We haven’t had any luck with hearing the position of our state MP (email – she won’t tell us her views on the issue.


Thanks again everyone – keep up the good work and lets start making it clear to the councillors how local residents feel about this proposal. I will get confirmation of dates of what council meeting this will be going to vote and then we will plan our attack from there.

Fiona Scott



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