Breaking News.. Some good info from Mary Drost, as discussed earlier, this is likely to intermingle / coincide with the DD08 C96 High density plans Manningham are part way through – we do need to make our views heard…
The Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) have released details of the new zones which can be accessed on
The zones are :
- Activity Centre Zone(ACZ)
- Comprehensive Development Zone(CDZ)
- Mixed Use Zone (MUZ)
- Residential Growth Zone (RGZ) Similar to the Current DD08 zone – but open to 12.5 Meter height.
- General Residential Zone (GRZ) Similar to the Current Res3 zone – Height up to 9m or other set by council.
- Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ)
The areas that will be subject to the various zones will be selected by our council.
The attached chart provides more information on the purpose for each and sets out height limits etc. New Vic Residential Zones chart
I am urging you to be active in your area and work with your councils to have these zones where you think is best and how big they are to be. I personally will be lobbying in my city to have most of it the protected zone and keep the density down. Dont accept high density in our residential areas.
Also the Activity Centres – the council will have the say as to heights, well I want them low.
It is too early to be certain about how these new zones will affect us as there are many unknowns, but we are sure that there will a lot more information that will evolve over the next few days and weeks so we will keep you posted. As we have said before the “devil is in the detail” and it will be hard to identify initially.
In the meantime, we all have an opportunity to lodge our comments through the above website link and click on to “open the online form” in the para headed
Providing Comment. The closing date for comment is 21st September 2012.
Let us make the best of this opportunity – it is really in our hands so get all your members and friends involved.