Month: August 2012

Sewage Plant Squashed.

At last nights council meeting there was a lot of debate about the Sewage treatment plant, the uprising of residents, and potential backlash from developers who have built around the third pipe rules. Well in the end – the plant was defeated, even though the Manningham Planning dept had recommended it go ahead. One for […]

Reject YVW Sewage Plant Proposed for Tram Road Reserve: Respond to Council Planning Offier’s Reply

Another well researched article from Ming, It’s amazing how many flaws there are in the justification of the Tram Road sewer plant… This email was addressed to the council officers;  Natasha Swan ( Manager Statutory Planning Dept, )  and Leigh Harrison ( Acting CEO.) They are the officers in control of the proposal review report,  […]

Desalination Order for 2012 is Zero

They took our Money for the water ahead of time, Now the plant won’t be ready on time, And we have officially told them we don’t need any water this coming season. Media release:  The Hon Peter Walsh MP, Minister for Agriculture and Food Security, Minister for Water Visit for more news Monday 2 […]

Urgent Questions – Tram Road Reserve Sewerage Treatment – Council Minutes 27 July 2010

This from Steve O’Brien,  regardless of how you think the Golf course will be developed, it does beg the questions; How many plans for a sewage treatment plant have be made,  what deals have been struck, and why is the current location the only one being considered? It has been stated that the decision is […]

Green Wedge & “Accomodation”

Rosa Miot & I went to Parliament house last Thursday to hear about “Planning Reforms” from the Planning Minister Brian Tee, and RMIT Professor Michael Buxton. There were several topics covered in some detail, and a lot of enthralling reading handed out – I hope to have the soft copies on this site soon. As […]

Sewage Time is Tight

There’s a lot of debate going around on the Doncaster Sewage plant  right now, here’s a quick update from Fiona. One crazy thing is the Manningham council are proposing to vote on it days BEFORE the EPA report is available… stay tuned.. I have been informed by Manningham Planning Officers that their report will be […]