Manningham Council Illegal Candidate

As mentioned last week in our post election wrap up, there is a court challenge and review currently in progress due to David Muscat running for council while in-eligible.

The Weekly & the Age has now run an article on the topic, and if you consider the preference allocation discussed in the age to our graphs – you’ll see how close it was.

From the WeeklyReview – Online and in this weeks print edition: Page 4 – Query on Candidates Eligibility.

From the Age:  Illegal candidate’ claim rocks council

The Victorian local government watchdog is investigating whether the results of an eastern suburbs council election were compromised, following allegations that an “illegal” candidate influenced the result.

Former Manningham mayor Bob Beynon claims he was denied a spot on the council because authorities allowed rival candidate David Muscat to contest the election, even though they knew he received a conviction for an assault last year.

Mr Muscat made headlines last August when he received a recklessly causing injury conviction for attacking two Park Orchards neighbours. He was also convicted of obscene display in a public place for erecting a statue in his front yard of a hand making a rude gesture.  Read more:



1 Comment

  1. Earlie Yamauchi says:

    Greetings , people. You know, there are little information about that on the net. So I wanted just to say thank you to the author for such a informative story ! I`ll make sure to share this post on twitter . Thank you for a awesome article !

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