We may get an answer soon on this one, but it sure is messy. If Mr Muscat had withdrawn the 521 primary votes would have gone elsewhere, as would the 26 preferences he collected, that were subsequently distributed across the remaining candidates. So what is the right thing to do with his votes? Delete all […]
Month: January 2013
VCAT Development Appeals Getting Further out of Reach.
Well it’s beyond stories now, the numbers are out, Development challenges for over $1Mil – $38 in 2012, will be Over $2000 in 2014. It’s certainly not good for residents trying to fight for thier amenity. VCAT costs are going up in a user pays environment that certainly works against Joe Public. We got the […]
Event : High Density Zones and planned changes – Koonung ward councilors review and discussion.
If you want to know what the high density zone changes proposed are, want to understand what the planning speak means, or want to know how to put a submission to the Independent planning panel, then this is for you. It will be an open forum and workshop with Koonung ward councillors there, including Steve […]
Interesting take on Australia’s Growth Needs. This was sent in to us, with the following comment: (The sender was keen to point out they are not an ALP voter, just that they appreciated the content…) It is worth reading through from Carbon tax to Education, Skilled Immegration to Boat people, Green Wedges to Traffic. See […]