VCAT Special Permision to Record Hearing

Further to our article last week discussion how VCAT public hearings are recorded by VCAT but not shared, Kristian Silva from the Weekly Review has got some answers from VCAT on the topic.

  1. VCAT parties are not allowed to capture proceedings on audio or video recorders during the hearings unless they receive permission from the VCAT chief executive or president.
  2. VCAT’s communication manager, Ashe Whitaker, said “a potential privacy issue” was identified by the tribunal providing audio to parties.

However, considering it is a public meeting, and everyone is advised by the member that recording is running at all times even during breaks, how is there any privacy issue?

Further to that we have been shown legal documents that show VCAT have to justify a reason to block recordings.  More details to follow on this one before we are done.

Full article from the weekly can be found here : Privacy row over VCAT transcript price hike


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