Now that the independent Planning Panel has delivered their report on Amendment C96, (IPP Hearing Report,) we have our last opportunity to be consulted at this Community meeting, leading up to the submitters meeting This will be specifically about C96, the DD08 high density ammendment– no other topics, all three Koonung ward councilors will be […]
Month: April 2013
Sunken Apartments To Get Past Building Height Limits.
How many ways can heights be described? A clear example of what happens when the rules have ambiguity – take note for the C96 amendment vote coming up May 28th. …To further example the uncertainty, the proposal (below) in sub-precinct A, at 185-187 Foote Street Templestowe, for a three/partial fourth storey, on a land area […]
High Density IPP Report is released C96 – Amendment C96 Tightening DDO8 Controls
The Independent Panel report is now in the Mannigham council website under the heading Amendment C96 Tightening DDO8 Controls See Executive Summary from page 6 shown below, or download the full C96 IPP report here: manningham c96 panel report (Full report 488K) Council will vote on this at the May 28th Manningham Council Meeting. Media […]
C96 Panel Report Released to Manningham Council today – Public tomorrow
C96 High Density Zoning review, Independent Planning Panel Report Released to Manningham Council today 9 Monday April 15th – Public tomorrow. I have been advised that the council received the Panel report today, and it will be on the Manningham Council web site tomorrow for public review. Please take this opportunity to review it, and […]
Mullum Mullum Recount Settles it.
The recount has been completed – without D.Muscat’s Primary votes, and the result is no Change. that is the three councilors for the Mullum Mullum ward are still Paul McLeish, Sophie Galbally, and Meg Downie. No-one has to go to the polls again… Previous Story thread
Mullum Mullum Election Recount
The decision on how to deal with the invalid Local Council candidate David Muscat, and in particular the votes he wrongly took , is as follows: 1. Remove Mr Muscats primary votes, and recount using his preferences. If the three current councillors are still at the top then they stay. or 2. If the final […]
Who else feels like Barbara below, and asks themselves Why? WHY should the community have to fight its own Council, to uphold building controls to restrict overdevelopment, to protect community amenity, to protect property values, liveability, and fundamental rights to privacy, sunlight and pleasant surrounds when it pays such handsome salaries to Manningham planners and […]