MacroPlan on apartments in Manningham and needs

Study results can be reasonably accurate but often expressed in a way which best enhances the desired outcome of the client.

Below is an example of how the MacroPlan data might have been written if to more clearly demonstrate the low demand for apartments:

  •  70.0% did not want to move in the future from their home.
  •  17.7% wished to move to a detached house
  •  7.2% wished to move to a villa unit or townhouse
  •  3.3% into a retirement village or nursing home
  •  0.9% into a flat or apartment.
  • 0.9% were not sure

 MacroPlan Report Data and Comments as Presented in C96 Panel Report.

(ii) Demand for housing and scale of change

Mr Wilkinson questioned the validity of the evidence underpinning this Amendment and Council’s Residential Strategy 2012. Mr Wilkinson referred to information presented by MacroPlan Australia at an information session as part of the review of the Residential Strategy. In particular, he raised the mismatch between what residents want in housing stock and what currently exists.

The MacroPlan Australia report identifies a number of aspects around existing and future housing choices. It was not disputed that the MacroPlan Australia survey showed that 93 per cent of residents surveyed felt that their existing dwelling met their current housing needs.

The MacroPlan Australia report outlined future intentions of these same residents as follows:

  •  70 per cent of respondents did not want to move in the future from their home.
  •  30 per cent accordingly did intend to move and of those
  •  59 per cent wished to move to a detached house
  •  24 per cent wished to move to a villa unit or townhouse
  •  11 per cent into a retirement village or nursing home
  •  3 per cent into a flat or apartment
  •  3 per cent weren’t sure.

The MacroPlan Australia report then noted that currently 93 per cent of dwellings in Manningham were detached dwellings and that therefore not all housing needs could be met.

 Over the next few posts we will look at how succesful apartment projects have been, market trends and values.

1 Comment

  1. Arnold says:

    The fact is only 0.9% of the total study sample indicated they would move to an apartment. The low demand was correlated in the recent census which showed a very low growth of apartment development in Manningham. The Macroplan study also found that 47% of those who wished to move wanted to leave the Manningham area, which is not encouraging.
    The good news to come from the study was that 7.2% of the total sample interviewed indicated their preference for a Town House or Villa Unit. Even if only half of the 7.2% were to purchase in the area it would still represent a significant and a more viable option than high density apartment developments.

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