Eastern Golf Course Residential Redevelopment Amendment C101

Susie has been monitoring this one for us,  there’s going to be a lot of traffic on it soon You can see from the extensive list of changes below that the councilors are challenging the planning departments reports… A very good thing we think.

At the Council meeting on 27 August 2013, a report recommending that Council seek authorisation of the Minister for Planning to prepare a planning scheme amendment to rezone the EGC site to facilitate the future subdivision and residential development of the land.  This is the first step in Council’s consideration of Mirvac’s request to redevelop the golf course site.
5.1. The proposed Development Plan has been lodged for Council’s consideration
at the same time as the request for amendment, so that Council and the
community can ascertain how the entire site is proposed to be developed.
5.2. Importantly, the Development Plan Overlay exempts subsequent permit
applications from advertising and exempts third party appeal rights. This
means that the amendment process is the only opportunity for residents and
other interested parties to make a submission in relation to the proposed development of the subject site.
5.3. During the exhibition period, residents and other interested parties will be able
to make a written submission on the Amendment, the proposed Plan or both.”
The Council report is available on Council’s website .  Meeting Minutes – Manningham Council Aug 27, 2013        see section 9.1
The Council Agenda can also be viewed at the Council offices and all Manningham libraries.”
The OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION was amended by Councilors. and carried as shown below:
That Council:
(H) Seeks authorisation of the Minister for Planning under section 9(2) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987
to prepare Amendment C101 to the Manningham Planning Scheme to rezone the Eastern Golf Course site, located at 463 – 535 Doncaster Road, Doncaster to a Residential Growth Zone and to introduce a Development Plan Overlay (Schedule 3),
delete the Design and Development Overlay (Schedule 1) and modify the existing Heritage Overlay (HO43) and Environmental Significance Overlay (Schedule 5), in order to facilitate the future subdivision and development of the subject land, subject to the following changes:

• Insertion of Schedule 1 to the Residential Growth Z one that identifies a maximum building height of 11 metres for the site,
with the exception of the area fronting Doncaster Road. Refer to Attachment 2.
• Modification of the alignment of the Heritage Overlay, and Schedule generally in accordance with Attachment 3.
• Retention of the existing Environmental Significance Overlay –Schedule 5 (ESO5).
• Modification of ESO5 to exempt from the requirement for a permit the removal of trees identified in a document which wou ld comprise a Tree Removal / Retention Plan and associated tree data table that clearlyshow all Victorian native  vegetation identified to be retained or removed and including the related Offset Plan and Offset Management Plan. Refer to Attachment 4.
• Modification of the DPO3 to:
• Require an Outline Development Plan to form part of the Schedule.
•Include the following statement under Section 2 ‘conditions and requirements for permits’, ‘Any permit granted for subdivision must contain conditions requiring the delineation of a building envelope on each lot created that shares a common boundary with an existing Residential 3 Zone property (or corresponding reformed residential zone). The building envelopes must show:
– A rear boundary setback at ground level of 5 metres.
– A rear boundary setback at Levels 1 and 2 of 8 metres.’
•Include other requirements, generally in accordance with Attachment 5.
•Deletion of Clause 22.17-4, application requirements, and changes to decision guidelines in Clause 22.17-5, associated with Clause 22.17‘Eastern Golf Course Key Redevelopment Site Policy.’ Refer to Attachment 6.
(I) Subject to authorisation of the Minister for Planning, exhibits Amendment C101 to the Manningham Planning Scheme in accordance with section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987for a minimum of 6 weeks.
(J) Seeks public comment on a proposed DevelopmentPlan, Eastern GolfCourse, July 2013, concurrently with the exhibition of Amendment C101,subject to the following changes to the submitted Development Plan.
•Modification of the address of the subject site (page 5) so that it refers to 463 – 535 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
•Modification of ‘Figure 4 Manningham Local Provisions – Overlays’ to reflect the recommended modified alignment of the Heritage Overlay and the Environmental Significance Overlay.Modification of Table 2 ‘Residential Density and Yield’ for the highercomponent to increase the specified indicative yield from 110 – 245dwellings to 200 -300 dwellings.
•In the section ‘Doncaster Road – Eastern Interface Design Principles’,replacement of the sentence ‘A scale of increased-density residential development which may range from two to five storeys in height.’, with a sentence that states ‘A scale of increased-density residential development which has a presentation to the Doncaster Road frontage of between two to four storeys in height.’
•Revision of the Doncaster Road Urban Design Principles on page 25 to provide more direction in relation to built form outcomes for the higherdensity development proposed along the Doncaster Road frontage.
•Provision of additional modelling information for the biofilter and two proposed retarding basins to the satisfaction of Manningham City Council and Melbourne Water.
•Provision for a 5 – 6 metre wide tree reserve along the Doncaster Road frontage in front of the building proposed near the
south-west corner of the site.
•Inclusion of a statement under Site Servicing that states that the design and provision of drainage infrastructure will be undertaken to the satisfaction of Melbourne Water and Manningham CityCouncil.
•Provision of rear vehicular access for the higher density residential development proposed along Doncaster Road.
(K) Requests the Minister for Planning to appoint a joint Panel and AdvisoryCommittee, generally in accordance with the Terms of Reference included in Attachment 7, to consider submissions received to the Amendment and proposed Development Plan.
(L) Engages a Heritage Advisor to prepare a Statement of Significance that identifies the importance of having space around ‘Tullamore’ and the stables and a visual connection between the heritage buildings and the Bunya Bunya Pine.
(M) Notes the need to use a section 173 agreement,or similar , to ensure the protection and appropriate maintenance of vegetation within areas designatedas future public open space until such time as the land is transferred to Council and to secure the implementation of the Offset Plan for the site, as a prerequisite for any adoption of the Amendment and/or approval of any Development Plan.
(N) Notes the need for further discussions with Mirvac:
•In relation to securing a financial contribution to wards the preparation of an Offset Management Plan for the site and its ongoing implementation.
•Regarding establishing pedestrian connections through the adjoining Reserves, particularly Studley Reserve, and possible equipment upgrades for all adjoining Reserves, including a public toilet at Burgundy Reserve.
Regarding the provision of underground power from Doncaster Road.
That the Alternative Recommendation be adopted.

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