How could the new C96 High density rules translate to real life ?
The maximum building height, subject to a condition that it be lowered by 270mm, is acceptable because:
- All of the habitable floor area within the building occurs within the recommended maximum building height (10m). It is the fascia associated with the roof of the building which sits above the recommended maximum building height.
- Less than 25% of the building’s roof area exceeds the recommended maximum building height. More than 50% of the building’s roof area sits well below the recommended maximum building height (with a height of between 7m and 7.5m).
- The small portion of the building’s fascia that sits above the recommended maximum building height is located mid- site and away from residential neighbours. The building height and setbacks accord with the requirements of Clause 55.04-1 of the Manningham Planning Scheme.
- The building offers a high degree of transition to the single storey residential dwellings located west of the site.
- The site is a consolidation of two properties.
(2) The top floor of the building steps up from a two- storey podium adjacent to the rear boundary…..
A two-storey podium is a reasonable proposition and there are examples of two-storey buildings and sheer two-storey walls in the surrounding area including opposite the site in Elvie St [not true – just a normal articulated dual occupancy, one unit behind the other] and at the corner of Elvie St and Doncaster Rd [irrelevant – a 2 storey commercial building in a B2 Zone].
The top level is adequately recessed from the two-storey podium on the east, west and north sides and occupies around 52% of the ground floor area, significantly less than the 75% required.