Knock down and excavations have begun in Thiele and Curlew

Both 5-7 Curlew Court, and 2-6 Thiele St Doncaster develpoments have begun!

No5 Curlew’s old house is gone, 7 is still there with moving trucks there this weekend.

2-6 Thiele st were cleared of the old houses over the last few weeks, and now development ( excavation,)  for the 50 apartments cars is underway.

The same company is doing both developments, it will be interesting to see if they build all at once to improve efficiencies, or one site at  a time…

Building all at once would have the issue of releasing 80 ( 50+30) appartments in one location at once and competing with yourself for sales…

Tomorrow wil be a big test, school is back, and with it school traffic competing with the frequent flow of excavation trucks in the Thiele side street….



  1. Friend of Whittens says:

    A further 16 apartments, about to commence at 97 Whittens Lane (hoardings are already erected), making a total of 96, will be marketed in direct conflict with the pre-selling of approximately 500 apartments located adjacent to the developments on the boundary of the Doncaster Hill apartment scheme.
    At least two, possibly all three developments, would not be approved under the new provisions introduced by the latest amendment to the DDO8. The new schedule would automatically restrict both Curlew Court and Whittens Lane, situated on land less than 1800m2, to two storey townhouse style unit developments.
    It would appear council now acknowledge that the demand for high density apartment, particularly in side streets, on the scale of what was envisaged, did not exist, was never viable and are now encouraging a proven product in the form of unit development.
    However there is still concerns at why council now foreshadow further amendments, among them, the proposal to enable 4-5 storey apartment developments in streets around activity centres and along main roads, when there was ample opportunity to include them in the periods of community discussion leading up to the C96 panel report.
    Friend of Whittens.

  2. Objector says:

    Congestion, light and air and, to a large extent architectural effect, vary in nearly a direct ratio as the width of the street on which a building faces. Major cities such as Berlin, London and Paris restrict building heights to the width of the street. One obvious reason for limiting height (and massiveness) on narrow streets is the street’s inability to handle the number of cars associated with the building.If one was to take into account these factors you would have to query the calibre of the Manningham Planning Department after recommending approval of a 46 metre high building in Hepburn Road which has a road width of only 15 metres, including nature strips and footpaths, and just 7 metres of actual kerb to kerb roadway.

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