VCAT sides with Residents and Refuses Drastically Changed Plans

This is good news from Whitehorse Council, where VCAT agrees with Residents.

via Mary Drost – Marvelous Melbourne

THE WHITEHORSE COUNCIL AND WERA JOINED FORCES TO REFUSE TO AGREE TO AMENDED PLANS GOING TO VCAT  AND DEPUTY PRESIDENT HELEN GIBSON AGREED AND SO THE APPLICATION HAS GONE BACK TO COUNCIL.     This is what we have been asking for for years.   Bring this to the attention of your council and urge them to do the same.  The precedent has now been set.

Attached is the letter that WERA and residents of Everton Grove sent to VCAT when the developer came up with 68 changes and a “ complete redesign” after the initial application for 6 townhouses and a 20 apartment block across 4 blocks in Everton Grove; Surrey Hills was refused a planning permit by Council.

2013-11-06-whitehorse-Everton-grove-Final-letter-to-VCAT-Oct-14-with-additional-grounds – Private details removed

2013-11-06 whitehorse Everton grove P830 2013 Gardencity Australia PL v Whitehorse CC (hg pf 291013)

When Whitehorse planning officers and Council saw the resident letter asking VCAT to not hear an appeal on the amended plans because of the extent of change they decided to join the Hearing in support of the residents application to VCAT. The practice day Hearing on Friday 25 Oct took 1 hr 15 minutes but the decision of Deputy President is what we required. The developer yesterday advised the parties that they will not proceed on the original planning application to a VCAT hearing listed to start 13 Nov.

We think this is the first time Whitehorse has opposed amended plans before the scheduled VCAT hearing date.


Geoff White.




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