Executive wages 2013 Click to enlarge

Executive wages 2013
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Executive Wages 2014 Click to enlarge

Executive Wages 2014
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The total wage bill for Manningham CEO and four executives was increased by $78, 298, from $1,106,771 to $1,185, 009 effective from the 30th of June 2014.

This was equal to an increase on total wages of approximately seven per cent from the previous year.

If the 7% wage increase was constant, using the exponential doubling formula (70 divided by the annual percentage) their salaries would be twice over in 10 years!

Executives have the ability to salary sacrifice for employer superannuation, motor vehicle and Fringe Benefits Tax exempt benefits, five weeks annual leave and accrued Long Service Leave. The CEO has

the same benefits except for a motor vehicle.

Click to enlarge photo

Click to enlarge photo

There is an annual budget for councillor expenses of $9,570 per Councillor and $11,700 for the Mayor. This budget is all inclusive and covers conferences, training, travel, child minding, telephones, etc. and Councillors are expected to operate within their individual budget.

Council may also reimburse Councillors for any necessary out of pocketexpenses they incur while performing their duties as a Councillor.  Current allowances for Mayors and Councillors across Victoria increased on 24 December 2013 by 2.5 per cent.

This was the annual adjustment as determined by the Local Government Minister and permitted under Section 73B of the Local Government Act 1989.

In 2013/2014, the allowances, including 9.25 per cent superannuation, were set at:

• Mayor, $75,737
• Councillors, $24,477.










  1. Chippy says:

    Their annual incomes are already extraordinarily high compared to what would be expected without lifting their income by more than 7 per cent, more than double what the general work force has received.
    Minimum wages increased by 3% from the first full pay period on or after 1st of July 2014 The new national minimum wage was set at $640.90 per week or $16.87 per hour.


  2. Dalray says:

    The CEO’s pay increase of 6.667% might have been based on performance but isn’t that why he receives such a huge salary? If it was based on his performance it hadn’t taken into account he had wasted $60,000 on a fruitless campaign for a railway station on Doncaster Hill.

  3. Jed says:

    Not surprised “snouts in trough” is rampant in Manningham. Ratepayers that will drive 5 kilometres to get 2cents cheaper petrol or cheaper apples don’t even know that their rates have gone up by up to 50%, in some cases, over the past 2 years.

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