Two thousand years ago, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said, that if we all had “the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not to little and not to much, we would have found the safest way to health”. Unfortunately we have not heeded the advice from Hippocrates. Governments and local Councils should be doing more by developing environments that enable more people to be active – by locating Activity Centres in areas where it is easier to walk and cycle around, by ensuring there are lots of green space, and by carefully planning public transport and leisure facilities.
This Construction Worker Uses a Hoverboard To Do His Job … (video link)
Everywhere you look today there are new inventions on the market all towards an economy of effort. John Kimpton of Donvale sent this humorous video by Jack O’Doherty of how a Hoverboard could be utilised by a tradesman.
Doctor Nick Kight says, “Physical inactivity has its price tags. It is linked to the development of chronic health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, depression, dementia and cancer. It can make us feel bad about ourselves, guilty and frustrated, appeased only with the ever alluring reward of inactivity – comfort, rest and stress-free”. Obesity is a growing epidemic around the world–and often
the cause of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle. People who are overweight or obese and have a sedentary lifestyle are often encouraged to begin a light exercise routine–but where do you start? Here are two great exercises to help ease you onto the path towards great health.
Walking is a type of exercise that is not only guaranteed to help you lose weight and improve your current health status, but can also be an enjoyable activity for people who are just beginning an exercise routine. The great thing about walking is that it can be done anywhere, by anyone, with no fancy equipment or clothing. For beginners, start off slowly, and gradually build your time and intensity. For example, start by walking for ten minutes twice a day for a total of twenty minutes. Gradually increase the time you are walking until you can exercise for sixty minutes at one time. It has been found that exercising at least sixty minutes on most days of the week is essential for both good health and weight loss. If you are concerned about your motivation to keep walking, you may want to consider inviting a friend. Research has found that people who exercise together are more likely to stick with their routine than those who exercise on their own.
Cycling is another great exercise for people who are just beginning an exercise program. Unlike walking, which is a weight bearing exercise and may be painful for people who have knee, hip, or ankle injuries, cycling is a relatively low impact exercise. Just like with walking, it is important to start your cycling routine slowly and build your way up. You will need a helmet which is compulsory and appropriate clothing. I would advise against riding in Manningham’s steep narrow streets or on main road Bus lanes because they are too dangerous instead go to areas that are safe such as Ruffy Park lake or the VicRoads river trails where there are no motor vehicles to contend with. This means you will need to purchase a bike carrier which can be attached to the tow bar of your car when required. Manningham council were forced to abandoned a circuit plan which involved cycling on shared footpaths which was deemed unsafe by it’s insurer
Sensible eating and moderate exercise is the key. There is a balance—if you run a mile you can eat a mile. The hospital where I spent three weeks served much smaller meals than what I was used to but on discharge I had not gained any weight even though I was immobile the entire time. You need not adopt a prison diet but if your not burning the calories then you have to reduce your food intake.
Happy to spend some time in the great outdoors.
I agree with the old adage, that if you enjoy the exercise, then it is not work. So find something and get into it. 🙂
Don’t let food and exercise control you….it can ruin your life. If you want your life and fitness habits to work, then you need to find a happy medium, when you can miss an daily exercise routine and not be concerned about it or when you can go a day or two without “weighing in”.