Nearly one third of Australian adults are suffering vitamin D deficiency according to a study involving more than 11,000 adults from around the country. This is the first national study to evaluate the vitamin D status of Australians. Greatest risk for deficiency were women, elderly and obese, people doing less than 2.5 hours of physical activity a week, and non- European background.

Vitamiin D for health

Vitamiin D  for Good  health  Click to enlarge

 The results highlight vitamin D deficiency as a major public health issue for Australia that requires urgent attention, said study leader Professor Robin Daly, Chair of Exercise and Ageing within the Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research at Deakin University, and honorary fellow in the Department of Medicine (Northwest Academic Centre) at the University of Melbourne.

“Vitamin D deficiency is emerging as a major health problem worldwide. It is clear from the results of our study that, despite an abundance of vitamin D rich sunlight, Australians are not immune from this issue,” he said. “Low levels of vitamin D can contribute to a number of serious, potentially

life-threatening conditions such as softened bones; diseases that cause progressive muscle weakness leading to an increased risk of falls, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and type 2 diabetes.

22168576   (Full text and Library)

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the newest statistics demonstrate that more than 90% of people with darker skin pigments (Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians) living in the United States now suffer from Vitamin D insufficiency, while 75% of the white population is deficient.

Sunlight in moderation

Sunlight in moderation

Would you believe that the majority of the population — up to 90% of adults in the United States — is believed to have a vitamin deficiency? Many physicians are starting to take this very seriously; in fact Vitamin D is one of the most recommended supplements by physicians today.

Most adults are believed to be at least somewhat deficient in Vitamin D, however, people with dark skin, who live in northern regions of the world where less year-round sun exposure is experienced, and those who are overweight have an even greater chance to be deficient. Many people assume that the best way to acquire Vitamin D is through drinking milk, eating fish, or even taking supplements like cod liver oil. However direct exposure to the sun is actually the best way to absorb Vitamin D. In fact, the reason our skin darkens is partially due to Vitamin D. If you sit in the sun unexposed, without sunscreen for roughly 10 minutes, you are likely absorbing about 10,000 units of natural Vitamin D- however keep in mind this amount differs from person to person depending on their skin

According to research, a Vitamin D deficiency symptoms can be linked to the following health problems:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Cancer
  • Blood Pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic pain
  • Psoriasis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Autism
  The only way to know if you are deficient in Vitamin D is to have your doctor perform a test. This will tell you if, and how severely, you are deficient.

When your doctor performs a blood test and gives you the results for your Vitamin D levels, keep these numbers in mind:

  • 50+ equals a good level of Vitamin D
  • 30-50 means that you will want to be supplementing Vitamin D, working on spending more time in the sun and adding in Vitamin D rich foods to your diet.
  • <30 means that you are very deficient and you will definitely want to take immediate action to bring those levels up!


  1. Mei says:

    It appears that councils have abandoned the Private Open Space requirement in their planning manuals especially in the case of apartments. A 6 m2 balcony is NOT private open space unless you want to partially disrobe in full view above the roar of heavy traffic and its toxic exhaust fumes. Even the POS in some town house developments are subject to excessive overlooking and overshadowing.

  2. LD says:

    My blood test report came back with a low vitamin deficiency of 20nmol/L. It said the reference is 50-250nmol/L. The government has taken the matter seriously. From the 1st of November 2014 Medicare have continued to provide rebates for the testing of patients at risk of Vitamin D deficiency such as all those with chronic lack of sun exposure. For further info visit the website.

  3. Lawrence says:

    Getting out to walk in the outdoor sunlight at ground level is obviously important for good health but not necessarily appealing for those who live high up in an apartment tower. World renowned Architect, Christopher Alexander wrote in part: “High rise living takes people away from the ground and away from the casual, everyday society that occurs on the sidewalks and streets and on the grounds and porches. It leaves them alone in their apartments. The decision to go out for some public life becomes formal and awkward; and unless there is some specific task which brings people out in the world, the tendency is to stay home, alone”.

  4. Tracey says:

    If you have chosen to live in a high rise apartment complex the chances are you your partner or family will have a vitamin D deficiency. That is why it is recommended you have a blood test at least once every year. The responsible authority, who have approved the buildings, might consider getting involved by conducting random tests to determine the extent of the deficiency and to assess what measures should be taken to improve the design of the buildings and whether they have a responsibility to provide more accessible open spaces.

  5. Nick says:

    Back in 2003/4 there was a suggestion that council purchase a 4,000 sqm block of land directly opposite Westfield in Doncaster Road to be used for open space and parkland. It’s central location made it an ideal meeting place where residents could take their children and where office workers and employees from the shopping centre could enjoy their lunch break. Council had briefly considered the proposal but decided against it because it was a key building site as part of the high rise overlay and any other use of the site was considered an under development. The asking price during that period was somewhere between $1 and $2 Million. In the meantime council have purchased four houses in Hepburn Road as they became available, 130 metres away, opposite the 15 storey Magnolia apartment building, for a total price believed to be upwards of $3.5 Million for an area of approximately 2100 sqm.

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