The Audit could scarcely have come at a more embarrassing time for the IPCC who have just released its 2018 Summary for Policy Makers claiming that the global warming crisis is more urgent than ever. McLean’s audit strongly suggests that these claims are based on data that simply cannot be trusted. HadCRUT4 is the primary dataset used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to make its dramatic claims about “man-made global warming”, to justify its demands for trillions of dollars to be spent on “combating climate change” and as the basis for the Paris Climate Accord.
This report makes more than 70 findings about areas of concern with the HadCRUT4 temperature dataset. These cover the entire process from the measurement of temperatures to the derivation of HadCRUT4 global average temperature anomalies. They relate to the inclusion of data that is obviously in error, inappropriate procedures, poor data processing and significant assumptions about a range of matters including basing conclusions on very little data. Most of the findings increase the uncertainty in the data and therefore increase the error margin. One however shows that a common but flawed method of data adjustment creates a false warming trend from the adjustments alone. Another finding points out that when stations were closed rather than relocated any distortion in the data remains in the record. Errors are also identified
in sea surface temperatures, including some created by a member of the team responsible for that data.
First ever audit of global temperature data finds freezing tropical islands, boiling towns, boats on land, by Joanne Nova.
The fate of the planet is at stake, but the key temperature data set used by climate models contains more than 70 different sorts of problems. Trillions of dollars have been spent because of predictions based on this data — yet even the most baby-basic quality control checks have not been done.
There are cases of tropical islands recording a monthly average of zero degrees — this is the mean of the daily highs and lows for the month. One site in Colombia recorded three months of over 80 degrees C. That is so incredibly hot that even the minimums there were probably hotter than the hottest day on Earth. In some cases boats on dry land seemingly recorded ocean temperatures from as far as 100 km inland. A spot in Romania spent one whole month averaging minus 45 degrees. The only explanation that could make sense is that Fahrenheit temperatures were mistaken for Celsius, and for the next seventy years at the CRU no one noticed.
Dr McLean audited the HadCrut4 global data from 1850 onwards for his PhD thesis, and then continued it on afterwards til it was complete:
“I was aghast to find that nothing was done to remove absurd values… the whole approach to the dataset’s creation is careless and amateur, about the standard of a first-year university student.”
His supervisor was Peter Ridd, famously sacked for saying that “the science was not being checked, tested or replicated” and for suggesting we might not be able to trust our institutions …
McLean’s findings show there is almost no quality control on this crucial data. The Hadley Met Centre team have not even analyzed this data with a tool as serious as a spell checker. Countries include “Venezuala”,” Hawaai”, and the “Republic of K” (also known as South Korea). One country is “Unknown” while other countries are not even countries – like “Alaska”. …
Adjustments Make the Past Cooler so the Warming Trend Appears Stronger:
In probably the worst systematic error, the past is rewritten in an attempt to correct for site moves. While some corrections are necessary, these adjustments are brutally sweeping. Thermometers do need to move, but corrections don’t have to treat old sites as if they were always surrounded by concrete and bricks.
New original sites are usually placed in good open sites. As the site “ages” buildings and roads appear nearby, and sometimes air conditioners, all artificially warming the site. So a replacement thermometer is opened in an open location nearby. Usually each separate national meteorology centre compares both sites for a while and figures out the temperature difference between them. Then they adjust the readings from the old locations down to match the new ones. The problem is that the algorithms also slice right back through the decades cooling all the older original readings — even readings that were probably taken when the site was just a paddock. In this way the historic past is rewritten to be colder than it really was, making recent warming look faster than it really was. Thousands of men and women trudged through snow, rain and mud to take temperatures that a computer “corrected” a century later. …
The first audit. Seriously, at this late stage?
As far as we can tell this key data has never been audited before. (What kind of audit would leave in these blatant errors?) Company finances get audited regularly but when global projections and billions of dollars are on the table climate scientists don’t care whether the data has undergone basic quality-control checks, or is consistent or even makes sense. …
UPDATE: Climate Bombshell: Global Warming Scare Is Based on ‘Careless and Amateur’ Data, Finds Audit, by James Delingpole.
Joanne Nova and I helped John Mclean set up Robert Boyle Publishing so we could publicize this important work. The major political problem with the whole carbon imbroglio was a lack of due diligence and no audits. Well finally, someone audited the main temperature dataset — and found it laughably poor and systematically biased. Oh dear.
The temperature data set has found it to be so riddled with errors that it is effectively useless.
HadCRUT4 is the primary dataset used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to make its dramatic claims about “man-made global warming”, to justify its demands for trillions of dollars to be spent on “combating climate change” and as the basis for the Paris Climate Accord.
But according to a groundbreaking analysis by Australian researcher John McLean it’s far too sloppy to be taken seriously even by climate scientists, let alone a body as influential as the IPCC or by the governments of the world. …
As McLean says:
“Governments have had 25 years to check the data on which they’ve been spending billions of dollars. And they haven’t done so once.”
McLean is the Australian IT analyst who broke another scandal about the global warming scare: that it was effectively the creation of just 53 people. (Climategate)
Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees
Above link is the IPCC report limiting global warming to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels.
Nobel Prize-Winning Stanford
University Physicist Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, who won the Nobel Prize for physics in
1998, and was formerly a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory wrote:
“Please remain calm: The Earth will heal itself — Climate is beyond our power to control…Earth doesn’t care about governments or their legislation. You can’t find much actual global warming in present-day weather observations. Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own without asking anyone’s permission or explaining itself”. —
Click to enlarge Item from Tony Heller at https://realclimatescience.com/
Click on photo to enlarge Saudi Arabia $10 Billion investment in Maldives
Then asked why they have refused to provide data to support their “findings” in the past, IPCC response was “what’s the point you will only find something wrong with it”
This latest scandal may well be the end for these left wing leeches.
Most of the world’s weather stations are located in Europe and North America with other parts of the Global, particularly the Southern Hemisphere, still widely spread.
Satellite data, which was not available until the late 80’s, has been far more reliable and has the ability to cover every corner of the globe. They have also shown global warming but nowhere near the level of what the IPCC had claimed in their reports.
The recent el nino periods occurred in the surrounding years of 1998 and 2016. Most reputable data sets show that the 2016 was 0.30 C warmer than the previous el nino period in 1998. The early part of 2018 has shown dramatic cooling which was expected after the hottest el nino on record. If we were to remove these two periods from data sets, global temperatures have been remarkably stable at an average of approx 14.47 C. El nino events are hot periods that vary in intensity and should not be included in determining whether there is a cooling or warming trend.
The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was shared, in two equal parts, between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Al Gore “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”.
Gore has made Millions from the movie “The Inconvenient Truth” with its ridiculous predictions of catastrophic warming causing our coastal cities to be swamped by rising sea levels and the polar bears becoming extinct because the polar sea ice would melt away.
No wonder he refuses to participate in debate…Its the con of the century.
Americans who lived through the 1960s and ’70s may remember the dire global-cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.
I believe the world is slowly warming but not at a rate we should be concerned about. It is certainly not an ice age cometh as many of the scientists, who now support catastrophic warming, had previously predicted. This includes John Holdren the climate advisor to the Obama government.
In the period between 1998 to 2013 world annual average temperatures had increased by only 0.14 C. Just prior to the Paris conference in November of 2015 it was announced that the global average temperatures for 2015 were estimated to have risen by a further 0.25 C. This was unusual since they are always announced in the early part of the following year.
If the IPCC say that up to 49% of the 0.78 C of global warming since 1950, (less than 0.39 C), could be regarded as natural (El Nino etc) you have to question why we are applying all these draconian measures on developed countries with such flimsy evidence
I don’t know why people are so attracted to these doomsday theories. Maybe its because those who have failed in life take comfort from the thought that we are all going to die together and our short comings won’t really matter. While other believers might might see the finality as a way of easing their anxiety by adopting a devil may care attitude.
Please read carefully.
According to NOAA 1997 was approx 2 degrees Celsius warmer than 2016!!!
1997 was the warmest year of this century, based on land and ocean surface temperature data, reports a team of scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC.
Led by the Center’s Senior Scientist Tom Karl, the team analyzed temperatures from around the globe during the years 1900 to 1997 and back to 1880 for land areas. For 1997, land and ocean temperatures averaged three quarters of a degree Fahrenheit (F) (0.42 degrees Celsius (C)) above normal. (Normal is defined by the mean temperature, 61.7 degrees F (16.5 degrees C), for the 30 years 1961-90). The 1997 figure exceeds the previous warm year, 1990, by 0.15 degrees F (0.08 degrees C).
The record-breaking warm conditions of 1997 continues the pattern of very warm global temperatures. Nine of the past eleven years have been the warmest on record. (sound familiar)
Land temperatures did not break the previous record set in 1990, but 1997 was one of the five warmest years since 1880. Including 1997, the top ten warmest years over the land have all occurred since 1981, and the warmest five years all since 1990. Land temperatures for 1997 averaged three quarters of a degree F (0.42 degrees C) above normal, falling short of the 1990 record by one quarter of a degree F (0.14 degrees C).
Ocean temperatures during 1997 also averaged three quarters of a degree F (0.42 degrees C) above normal, which makes it the warmest year on record, exceeding the previous warm years of 1987 and 1995 by 0.3 of a degree F (0.17 degrees C). The warm El Nino event (depicted as Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies) contributed to the record warmth of the oceans this year.
With the new data factored in, global temperature warming trends now exceed 1.0 degree F (0.55 degrees C) per 100 years, with land temperatures warming at a somewhat faster rate. “It is likely that the sustained trend toward increasingly warmer global temperatures is related to anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases”, Karl said.
There was never concern about global warming until the money came for it. The biggest challenge facing the world is to limit its burgeoning population. The fact that it was not even discussed at the Paris conference is amazing. We don’t need scientists to tell us of the consequences if we continue to ignore it. Australia is asked to contribute Millions to the UN climate fund towards the establishment of expensive renewable energy initiatives in developing countries. How about birth control, contraceptives and education? Forget about reducing our livestock by consuming less meat we can do that by limiting our population growth.
The 3rd Assessment (Page 771) admits because climate is a non linear coupled chaotic system it is impossible to make predictions regarding climate and that CO2 has no causative influence. All the alarmist talk of the Great Barrier reef dying, and of extreme weather events are just scare tactics to get the virtue signalers to make us taxpayers cough up $Billions upon $Billions and to cripple the western capitalist civilisations industrial base.
Today we mourn the passing of Ian Kiernan age 78 who was famous for his Clean Up Australia Day. Ian was disgusted at the amount rubbish he encountered when sailing around the world and decided to do something about it.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) have estimated there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish by the year 2050. Perhaps the IPCC and all its hangers on should address this problem before we worry about a small amount of warming.
Meanwhile the earth is choking on plastic garbage and they are doing nothing about it because there is no money (grants) in it.
I don’t think the IPCC have any idea of the amount power required to charge the batteries of the millions of electric cars they propose. Not to mention their manufacture and recycling which will have a negative impact on the ecological budget when compared to the petrol and diesel fueled engines which you will never escape from unless the world introduces nuclear power stations.
The 450 nuclear power stations operating throughout the world would not have been built had there been any doubts about their safety. If we go nuclear it will be the end of the carbon dioxide emissions scare, help lift the standard of living in developing countries and we can continue eating meat and drinking beer. GH
We are renting one of three units that have a roof of steel sheets. The roof is continually making noises which is taking a bit of getting used to, especially at night.
When there is a break in the clouds the roof squeaks as the metal roof contracts slightly and squeaks again when it expands after a gap in the clouds closes. Same thing happens in the daytime when sun goes in and out on a partly cloudy day.
It made me wonder how they are able measure temperatures so accurately when there are so many variables. A friend of ours who worked in the weather bureau’s tower at the Melbourne Airport said it was all a waste of time. There were a number issues especially with the location of the airport weather station adjacent to the concrete tower and all the bitumen surrounding it.
In the majority of the years since 1940 global air temperatures have remained stable while greenhouse-gas emissions continued to soar. In the decade between 2000 and 2010 the world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere. That is about a quarter of all the CO2 put there by humanity since 1750.”
Most of the CO2 emissions are coming from China and the US. The US have dropped out of the Paris accord and China, who are still in it, have been allowed to continue at their present rate until at least 2030.
Unbelievable, but some how very believable.
It is a shame that so much poor information is destroying the accurate goo information that could allow the correct decisions to be made !
There will be another UN meeting later this year when Australia will required to sign a document which will effectively allow the UN to dictate our level of immigration and who we allow into the country. If our government signs this document, like what they did with the Paris agreement, without consultation, it will be the end of our sovereignty. Poor blind fools Australians!!
Delivering the annual Richard Dimbleby lecture in 2009, Prince Charles said that without “coherent financial incentives and disincentives” we have just 96 months to avert (until 2017) “irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, and all that goes with it.”
“We face the dual challenges of a world view and an economic system that seem to have enormous shortcomings, together with an environmental crisis – including that of climate change – which threatens to engulf us all.”
This has capped previous doomsday theories such as Acid Rain, Ice Age Cometh, Ozone Hole, Nuclear Winter etc..
By far the biggest CO2 emitters are India, China and United States. The US have pulled out of the Paris accord and China and India are doing nothing. We can’t be too critical of China nor India for fear that they will stop importing our coal for their present and future planned power stations.
The NOAA data set shows a drop in global temperatures that now appears to be occurring, from 14.80 C and 14.84 C in 2015/16 to 14.74 C in 2017 and 14.68 C, the forecast temperature for 2018, does not mean temperatures will continue to fall nor we should ignore the fact that 2018 would still be the fourth warmest year on record and 2014 would be fifth at 14.59 C. However if a cooling trend was to continue and level out as it did from 1941 to 1979, (14.03 C and 14.06 C respectively) and the period known as the pause between 1998 and 2014 (14.53 C to 14.59 C respectively) it might be time for at least a rethink with such flat temperatures, especially if the years 2015/16 were removed.
Satellites measurements do show a slight warming since they were introduced in 1979 as distinct from readings at ground based thermometers where a lot of adjustments have to be made because many are now located in built up areas.e.g. A large percentage are located at airports around the world and rural areas are much cooler.