Worldwide average temperatures in the 1980’s and the 1990’s were the highest on record, culminating with a maximum of more than 62 Degrees Fahrenheit in 1997 and subsequently used by Al Gore to influence congress. The long serving heads of the main temperature monitoring agencies, James Hansen (NASA), David Parker (British Met Office), Phil Jones (University of East Anglia) and Tom Karl of (NOAA), 100 years of service to climatology between them, had each published annual Global Average Temperatures throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s that were well above the 2020 temperature of 58.78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hansen under arrest
Dr. Hansen’s research group (NASA) reported on the basis of temperature measurements on land in 1994 tied with 1987 as the fourth warmest year since comparable records were first kept in 1880. In both years, the average surface temperature was 59.58 degrees Fahrenheit (15.32 C). The 1990 record high was 59.85 degrees (15.47 C). The eight warmest years since 1880 have all occurred in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the Goddard group said. The British climatologists, led by David Parker of the Government’s meteorological office and Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia, reported yesterday that on the basis of preliminary data, 1994 was the third or fourth warmest year since their record-keeping started in 1850. The ranking is to be solidified when final data are in. The British temperature measurements had generally matched those of Dr. Hansen’s group. New York Times: A Global Warming Resumed in 1994, By William K. Stevens • Jan. 27, 1995. Far warmer than the Global Average Surface Temperature for 2020 at 14.88 Celsius (58.78 Fahrenheit)
- UPI: Record warm intensified in early 1998
- WASHINGTON, June 8, 1998 — After the past several years of record warm temperatures worldwide, the first several months of 1998 brought some of the warmest U.S. temperatures ever on record, the federal government announced. The data was collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and announced by Vice President Al Gore, who said some of this year’s warming could be attributed to the cyclical El Nino patterns. But, Gore said, the overall trend found by NOAA ‘is a reminder once again that global warming is real, and that unless we act, we can expect more extreme weather in the years ahead.’ He cited such events as record levels of precipitation, record deaths from tornadoes, damage to coral reefs from the Florida Keys to Australia, and wildfires in Malaysia, Brazil and Mexico. Gore announced the NOAA findings as a means of increasing pressure on Congress to approve President Clinton’s budget request for $6.3 billion over five years for tax and research incentives to promote more energy- efficient products and technologies. Gore insisted U.S. industry had the expertise and ability to make affordable changes to combat global warming, saying, ‘We can do that. We know how to do that.’ Worldwide average temperatures in the 1980s and the 1990s have been the highest on record, and the Earth’s average surface temperature last year of some 62 degrees Fahrenheit (62.46 F actually) represented the highest level ever recorded. Federal researchers said new temperature records were set in five states in the first five months of 1998, with the average global surface temperature running 1.76 degrees above the average of 61.7 degrees F (16.500 C) for the benchmark period 1961-1990.
It is obvious that the cooler archived temperature data available today could not have been available at that time otherwise they could not have posted higher temperatures.
What surprised me was the high average temperature of 16.50 C/61.70 F for the period between 1961 to 1990. Almost three degrees warmer than in 2021!
One of the scientists, Dr. James E. Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, said he used the 30-year period 1950-1980, when the average global temperature was 59 degrees Fahrenheit, as a base to determine temperature variations. He said his readings showed that the average global temperature rose about as much since the base period as it did from the 1880’s to the base period – about half a degree in both cases. 59 degrees Fahrenheit is 15 degrees Celsius which is slightly warmer than today and in the 1880’s it was only half a degree cooler which is ridiculous.
Climate Bloggers, arguing against global warming, won’t include these higher temperatures on their websites because it would not only mean the end of the any credibility for the IPCC, and the scientists who provided fraudulent data to support the scam, but they themselves would also be “out of business”as a result which makes them just as shonky.