Noel a farmer from near Seymour Victoria has written to Coherence: “I am fed up with politicians on both sides, and candidates sponsored by multi millionaires, who are using this net zero emissions scam to increase their personal wealth. Anybody with half a brain would realise that even if it were possible it would not make one iota of difference to Australia’s weather. Most sensible people who are not financially dependent upon the climate change gravy train are sensible enough to fully realise man cannot control climate and extreme weather”.

It might be bad news for those who believe the earth is cooking when you read the excerpts below from main stream media during the the 80’s and 90’s.

The average Global Temperature in 2021 was 14.74 degrees Celsius or 58 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Global Warmth In ’88 Is Found To Set a Record

By Philip Shabecoff, Special To the New York Times     Feb. 4, 1989

One of the scientists, Dr. James E. Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, said he used the 30-year period 1950-1980, when the average global temperature was 59 degrees Fahrenheit, as a base to determine temperature variations. He said his readings showed that the average global temperature rose about as much since the base period as it did from the 1880’s to the base period – about half a degree in both cases. He stressed that these were estimates and that it would take millions of measurements to reach an accurate global average. This means the global temperature for 1880’s would have been 58.50 F!

Earth’s Temperature Has Dropped a Little After a Warm Spell  By William K. Stevens Dec. 24, 1991

From NYT: Last year was the warmest since people began keeping records of the earth’s surface temperature in the late 19th century, according to independent analyses of separate sets of data made by Dr. Hansen and (NASA) by a British team headed by Dr. Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia and David Parker of the British meteorological office. Both Dr. Hansen and Dr. Jones said that 1991 would undoubtedly fall short of the 1990 record, which pegged the average surface temperature of the globe at just under 60 degrees. Through the first 11 months, Dr. Hansen said, 1991 was the second warmest year, and he said that the volcano haze makes it “extremely improbable” that December would enable it to overtake 1990. Dr. Jones said 1991 would probably rank from second to fourth warmest.

95 Is Hottest Year on Record As the Global Trend Resumes

By William K. Stevens  Jan. 4, 1996

The average temperature was 58.72 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the British data, seven-hundredths of a degree higher than the previous record, established in 1990. The British figures, based on land and sea measurements around the world, are one of two sets of long-term data by which surface temperature trends are being tracked. The other, maintained by the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, shows the average 1995 temperature at 59.7 degrees, slightly ahead of 1990 as the warmest year since record-keeping began in 1866. But the difference is within the margin of sampling error, and the two years essentially finished neck and neck.

Earth’s average surface temperature was higher in 1990 than…

By ROB STEIN UPI Science Editor

WASHINGTON — Earth’s average surface temperature was higher in 1990 than any other year on record, possibly a sign of dreaded global warming, scientists reported Wednesday.

An analysis of data collected at 2,000 meteorological stations around the globe found 1990 was warmest year in records dating back to 1880 — with temperatures averaging 59.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

LA Times. The British office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, the world’s oldest, most comprehensive center for global climate analysis, collected data from more than 1,000 weather stations on land and sea around the world and found that the average year-round air temperature of the Earth in 1988 was 0.61 degrees higher than the average of 59 degrees for the period 1950-79.

Record warm intensified in early 1998



JUNE 8, 1998

Record warm intensified in early 1998

WASHINGTON, June 8 — After the past several years of record warm temperatures worldwide, the first several months of 1998 brought some of the warmest U.S. temperatures ever on record, the federal government announced. The data was collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and announced by Vice President Al Gore, who said some of this year’s warming could be attributed to the cyclical El Nino patterns. But, Gore said, the overall trend found by NOAA ‘is a reminder once again that global warming is real, and that unless we act, we can expect more extreme weather in the years ahead.’ He cited such events as record levels of precipitation, record deaths from tornadoes, damage to coral reefs from the Florida Keys to Australia, and wildfires in Malaysia, Brazil and Mexico. Gore announced the NOAA findings as a means of increasing pressure on Congress to approve President Clinton’s budget request for $6.3 billion over five years for tax and research incentives to promote more energy- efficient products and technologies. Gore insisted U.S. industry had the expertise and ability to make affordable changes to combat global warming, saying, ‘We can do that. We know how to do that.’ Worldwide average temperatures in the 1980s and the 1990s have been the highest on record, and the Earth’s average surface temperature last year of some 62.46 degrees Fahrenheit represented the highest level ever recorded. Federal researchers said new temperature records were set in five states in the first five months of 1998, with the average global surface temperature running 1.76 degrees above the average of 61.7 degrees for the benchmark period 1961-1990.

Part of this year’s warming was attributed to El Nino, a cyclical warming of ocean temperatures in the Southern Pacific that occurs naturally every several years. But the NOAA report cited by Gore found that among the 10 strongest El Nino events of this century, they have become more frequent and warmer. Gore’s office said in a statement, ‘Although it is not clear that the increasing frequency and warmth of El Ninos is a direct result of global warming, the analysis suggests that the effects of El Nino are compounded by rising global temperatures.’ —

In fairness to NOAA it had withdrawn the higher temperature data in early 1998 well before the above article was published in June 1998..
In June 1995 the White House announced a one degree Fahrenheit increase in global temperatures but did not disclose global temperature. Click on link below.Climate Change Over the Last 100 Years


  1. John Crighton says:

    During the period 1987 to 1997, NOAA, NASA. CRU East Anglia and British Met Office announced annual global temperatures ranging from 59.5 F up to 62.45 F. (16.91 C) According to NOAA the global temperature in 1997 was 62.45 F and 61.5 F in 1900.
    NASA estimated that the global temperature in 1988 was 59.5 F and in 1880 it was 58.5 F. (pre-industrial period) How could this have happened when their own long term data today shows global temperatures averaging around 57.70 F (14.28 C) at the same time?

  2. James says:

    There were three people who were the main players involved in the posting of these exaggerated temperatures….They were Tom Karl of NOAA, John Holdren Climate Envoy for Obama administration and Al Gore former vice-president of the US. If the records are right Al Gore had continued to use Tom karl’s higher temperature data for 1997, in his regular public monthly press conferences, long after if had been withdrawn in February 1998.

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