Combustible cladding is being removed from the exterior of the Pinnacle Apartment complex at 632 Doncaster Road, Doncaster Hill all at the government’s expense. The Pinnacle was on the list of 75 apartment developments that had been added to Victoria’s flammable cladding risk list this year. Cladding Safety Victoria figures show the Victorian Building Authority has referred 719 buildings to the organisation – up from 643 at the end of 2020.

The Pinnacle   Click to enlarge

To date, only 249 buildings have been approved for funding to fix cladding issues.Cladding Safety Victoria chief executive Dan O’Brien said it was carrying out works on about 200 buildings, but not every property could be assisted.  Cladding Safety Victoria will contact owners corporations to invite participation in the program if they are eligible.

To be eligible for funding, an owners corporation must be responsible for a residential building that has been:assessed as having combustible cladding and deemed to be of higher risk subject to a building notice or order related to combustible external wall cladding referred to Cladding Safety Victoria by either the VBA or a Municipal Building Surveyor and prioritised for rectification by Cladding Safety Victoria.

Lacrosse Aftermath Click to enlarge

Cladding Safety Victoria will not fund a sole owner of a building for the rectification of that building. Where the original builder is an owner in a building prioritised for rectification, participation in the Cladding Rectification Program will not be prohibited unless the builder is the sole owner of the building. Where it is demonstrated that an individual owns a controlling interest in more than a third of the building’s lot entitlements i.e., more than 33 per cent, but is not a sole owner.

Cladding Safety Victoria will enter into negotiations with that owner to develop a plan for co-funding the rectification, with the owner contributing a proportion of funding equal to the proportion of their lot ownership of the building. Where these negotiations fail, and the majority owner refuses to contribute, Cladding Safety Victoria will refer the owner to the relevant Municipal Building Surveyor to compel the owner under the Building Act 1993 to cause works to be carried out. Owners corporations will need to declare the ownership structure of the building when it registers for funding with Cladding Safety Victoria.




  1. Geraldine Sharp says:

    It is my understanding that there are a number of high rise apartment buildings on Doncaster Hill that have been identified as having the faulty cladding by the Manningham council but have not been made public at this stage.

  2. Lawford says:

    There will be many buildings with the illegal cladding that will never be removed…reason being the high cost of replacement.

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