The Pseudo dogma being taught to our primary school children is cowardly and a disgrace to the teachers who are peddling this global warming/climate change fear mongering to fit their own left wing agenda. Will they tell their students about the collapse of the Sri Lankan economy caused by the green government not allowing fertilizers and pesticides, made from fossil fuels, in agriculture?

President On The Run
This has resulted in such poor growth yields that the country has been forced to buy food from neighboring countries and their Tea crop, which was their main export commodity, has barely met local demand. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has fled the country but will not remain in the Maldives and intends to travel on to a third country. His brother, former Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa, has also left Sri Lanka and is said to be heading to the US. Farmers in Holland have been told to drastically reduce their use of Nitrogen in their fertilizers which will seriously reduce the yield of their grain crops and has resulted in a huge protest using their tractors to block roads. Psychologists warned parents about being climate alarmists, noting the number of children treated for “eco anxiety”

Sri Lankans Storm Palace
But CPA members said they don’t want the rising “eco-anxiety” social phenomenon in children to be classified as a mental illness because it is a rational fear, unlike standard anxiety issues. Lessons in climate change, the environment and how to protest was to be a compulsory subject at all schools world wide and part of the Paris Accord under plans that were developed for the climate summit in Glasgow. Teaching children about the environment, the green economy and how to take action against government to stop environmental harm was considered essential parts for preparing future workers for what campaigners said was the third industrial revolution. negotiators are hopeful details will be agreed upon in Italy later this year so they can be adopted by leaders at the UN summit.
There appears to be a concerted attempt to weaken the United States orchestrated from Geneva. The country that fought for world freedom is now under attack from within and not all the recipients of a Nobel Prize care much for America…there were several trusted individuals who leaked top secret material to the Russians.
These climate crooks have dropped the Global Warming tag because the most recent data suggests the World is Cooling not Warming.
There’s a reason India and China defended coal’s future at the Glasgow climate summit: no nations have added more coal-fired power-plant capacity in the past decade than these two major emitters.
China and India are currently mining a combined 14 million tons a day of the dirtiest fossil fuel. Coal not only remains crucial to their current energy needs but it looks set to have a role for decades to come. That’s even as the two Asian giants install huge volumes of renewables and chase targets to zero out greenhouse gas emissions.
Primary school teachers memorandum: Lessons in climate change, the environment and how to protest was to be a compulsory subject at all schools worldwide and part of the Paris Accord under plans that were developed for the climate summit in Glasgow. Teaching children about the environment, the green economy and how to take action against government to stop environmental harm is considered an essential part in preparing future workers for what campaigners said was the third industrial revolution. negotiators are hopeful details will be agreed upon in Italy later this year so they can be adopted by leaders at the UN summit.