The IPCC accepted the invitation in April 2016, deciding to prepare this Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level of 13.67 C = (15.17 C) and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development. The report in 2018 on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related GHG emission pathways’ contained in the Decision of the 21st Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and to adopt the Paris Agreement.
However, it was not mentioned that Global Average Surface Temperatures (GAST) posted by the four major climate authorities, British Meteorology Organisation (David Parker), CRU East Anglia (Phil Jones), NASA (James Hansen) and NOAA (Tom Karl), in the period 1988 to 1997, had already exceeded the 15.17 C limit the IPCC had stipulated by a very wide margin. For example:
Global Warmth In ’88 Is Found To Set a Record
By Philip Shabecoff, Special To the New York Times Feb. 4, 1989
One of the scientists, Dr. James E. Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, said he used the 30-year period 1950-1980, when the average global temperature was 59 degrees Fahrenheit, as a base to determine temperature variations. He said his readings showed that the average global temperature rose about as much since the base period as it did from the 1880’s to the base period – about half a degree in both cases. He stressed that these were estimates and that it would take millions of measurements to reach an accurate global average. i.e. 59.50 F now and 58.50 F in 1880.
The exaggeration of temperatures were starting to get out of hand, when, just prior to the Kyoto climate conference in 1997, Tom Karl, climate chief of NOAA, posted a Global Average Surface Temperature of 62.45 F (16.91 C).
Phil Jones, a senior member of the Hockey Stick team, was successful in achieving an agreement on temperature between NOAA, NASA, British Met Office, NOAA, WMO and The Hockey Stick graph, where all parties would post similar temperatures from 1998 onward and the slate was wiped clean of the higher temperatures of the previous decade.
This enabled archived annual temperature data to be configured from 1880 to match. Hence the following:
Earth Temperature in 1998 Is Reported at Record High
Excerpts: According to the new figures, the average global temperature this year will turn out to be about 58 degrees, a full degree warmer than the 1961-1990 average.
”This number’s amazing,” said Dr. Philip D. Jones, a climatologist at the University of East Anglia in England, speaking of a field in which records are normally set in fractions. Dr. Jones provided much of the information on which yesterday’s announcement was based.
The earth’s average surface temperature in 1998 is the highest by far since people first began to measure it with thermometers in the mid-19th century, the World Meteorological Organization reported yesterday. According to the new figures, the average global temperature this year will turn out to be about 58 degrees, a full degree warmer than the 1961-1990 average at 57 F.
Among other contributors to the United Nations agency’s report were the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the British Meteorological Office, the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, (NOAA) N.C., the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and University of Alabama in Huntsville, Ala., the International Research Institute in New York and the Climatic Prediction Center in Washington.
The chart on the left shows similar global temperatures between WMO and NOAA with the intervention by NOAA’s Tom Karl prior to the Kyoto and Paris conferences shown in bold red, the latter being successful in influencing UN delegates to approve the Paris agreement in 2015. The temperature shown for 2001 at 14.39 C should be 14.41 C.
Based on studies of indirect evidence like the annual rings of trees, Dr. Jones has been saying for some time that he believes 1998 to be not only the warmest year in the thermometer record, but also the warmest year of this millennium. This was one of the few occasions that tree rings had been mentioned. They were not considered reliable due to the variance of growing conditions and in earlier reports they were not mentioned. According to the Hockey Stick crew thermometer readings were tacked on to the tree ring data to calculate the amount of warming. Apparently there were two sets of tree ring data they were using …one showed some warming and the second indicated substantial cooling which was retained but hidden behind a series of lines on the chart. Dr John Robson describes how they hid the decline.
Phil Jones was heavily involved in the high temperatures of the eighties but they were no warmer or cooler than today. Why are they trying to intimidate our children and distracting them from the issues that matter?
The government wants to lower voting age to sixteen to get full value of from the left wing teachers who are indoctrinating their students.
It is not possible to accurately measure the temperature of the earth because of the variation in heights of where the thermometers are stationed. You might be able to if you had enough weather stations and all located at a certain height above sea level. You would still have the fast moving weather patterns to allow for. Climate you expect…weather is what you get.
It is outright fraud on a global scale that stretches throughout the UN, WMO, big tech and left wing groups