“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite. It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system-ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society”. Cartoon below depicts how far we have advanced since ignoring Dwight Eisenhower’s warning back in Jan 1961.

There were no objections to the temperature data submitted by NASA in 1990 showing the earth had maintained a stable temperature of approximately 59.5 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the period since the early 1970’s, not long after successfully putting a man on the moon and safely returned him to earth in 69.

The first detailed publication of Global temperatures occurred in 1988 when James Hansen, a senior climatologist at NASA, and its British Counterparts CRU East Anglia and British Meteorology Office had confirmed that an average global temperature of over 59 degrees had been the norm for a decade or more. NASA in the same year produced a graph (left) showing that temperatures exceeding 59 degrees Fahrenheit had persisted since 1926. Then at a meeting held in July 1997 convened by Vice President Al Gore, John Holdren, senior climate advisor to the Clinton administration, announced there had been a one degree Fahrenheit of warming since temperatures were first recorded.

The one degree Fahrenheit of world warming for 1997 announced by Holdren at the https://www.c-span.org/video/?92578-1/science-global-climate-change conference was never going to be enough to sway a hostile senate into approving a special emissions reduction plan that was to be presented at the Kyoto Climate conference in December that year. They needed to show something spectacular to influence congress, so Tom Karl Chief, Chief Climatologist at NOAA , who also spoke at the above conference, but did not refer to temperatures in his speech,was later to produce a graph showing there had been a substantial warming with the average temperature in 1997 at 62.45 degrees Fahrenheit.

According to the National Climatic Data Center’s figures, the mean temperature of the Earth’s surface, based on readings on land and at sea around the globe, was 62.45 degrees Fahrenheit, an increase of three-quarters of a degree over the mean temperature during the previous three decades.

In 1990 and 1995, the reading was 62.30 degrees, the highest recorded this century, before last year. The 1997 land figure was 58.06, down from the 58.29 figure in 1995 and the modern record of 58.31 in 1990; at sea, the 1997 figure was 64.25, the highest yet. Click on Graph to enlarge

The year 1997 was the warmest of the 20th century, the federal government announced Thursday, fueling fears that the so-called greenhouse effect is contributing to global warming. The new figures are even more worrisome, in the view of many scientists, when combined with other data showing that the warmest five years of the century–when such recordings began–have all occurred since 1990.

“Are there reasons to be skeptical that greenhouse gases are having an impact? No. There are no reasons to be skeptical,” said Tom Karl, the senior scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center.

The Graph shows no warming in the WMO and NOAA temperatures on the left of the chart from 1998 to 2014. Karl’s alterations are shown in red on right hand column. President Clinton seized on the 1900 to 1997 data, saying at a fund-raising event in New York: “We need a national consensus to do something on global warming. It is significant, and what we need is an understanding that we can grow the economy and still preserve the environment.” You might have thought these ridiculous temperatures would have ended Karl’s career but it certainly did not. But after being ridiculed throughout the “industry” he was at again before the Paris conference in 2015, like in 1997 before the Kyoto climate conference, he raised each annual temperature from 2001 retrospectively by approximately 0.065 degrees Celsius citing an error in sea surface measuring. This time he was successful, the gravy train left the station and the rest is history, he retired in 2016.


  1. Rosemary says:

    Like the Video of the climate conference where Gore appears to put on an act of deep concern for the one degree Fahrenheit of warming and when Bill Clinton got lost on what he was supposed to be talking about when he took the microphone.

  2. Grafton Carter says:

    I read somewhere that a gas plant emits 50% less carbon dioxide than its coal fired counterpart so I suggested to a couple of dedicated ABC listeners that a gas fired power plant with a 90% carbon dioxide capture facility, which could then use the existing cable network, might be a better option than starting afresh with turbines, solar panels and all their paraphernalia. All I got was an angry response!

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