Three different studies that were conducted more than thirty one years ago have shown that the ten warmest years had all occurred on or before the year 1990. The data sent in by “Alan” shows global temperatures ranging upwards from 59.30 F to 59.81 F which is significantly warmer than 2021 at 58.53 F and 58.78 F in 2020. Phil Jones of CRU East Anglia confirmed the average world temperature in 1988 was the highest since reliable records began nearly a century ago.

The British readings showed that the average global temperature in 1988 was 59.612 degrees Fahrenheit 0.612 F higher than the long-term average for the period 1950 through 1979, which is a base for comparing global temperatures. The average worldwide temperature for that 30-year period is roughly 59 degrees Fahrenheit, the British researchers said. The 1988 average temperature was 0.018 degrees higher than the average for 1987, the previous high year.

British scientists had reported. Dr. Phil Jones, a climatologist at East Anglia, said global temperatures rose on average about one degree Fahrenheit since the beginning of the century. He said the six warmest years on record were, in order, 1988, 1987, 1983, 1981, 1980 and 1986.

Scientists from the British Meteorological Office and the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit said that last year’s temperature results continued a pattern of record high temperatures throughout the 1980’s that was reported last year.

The average temperature around the world in 1988 was the highest since reliable records began nearly a century ago, British scientists had reported.

Global Warmth In ’88 Is Found To Set a Record


  1. Peter Sharp says:

    Carbon dioxide levels continue to increase while the world is cooling it might now be time to admit there is no correlation and get our economy back to where it was.

  2. Anonyme says:

    NOAA chief scientist, Tom Karl, really messed things up in 1997 when he added more than two degrees Celsius to the 1996 global temperature in order to sway a hostile senate into accepting a failed emission control scheme.

  3. Warren says:

    Phil Jones was able to convince the contributors to Karl’s inflated figure of 62.45 F in 1997 to a lower global temperature of 58 F, one degree F above the 1961-1990 baseline reference of 57 F currently used by WMO in 1998 and to line up with the Hockey Stick graph, where he was a senior scientist and co-author. This was a far cry from the 60 F he had posted while representing the CRU East Anglia some seven years earlier in 1991.

  4. Taylor says:

    This is not just once in a blue moon because it covers 17 years of data which is major blow to the green movement why had it taken so long to surface?

  5. Luke Argyle says:
    Phil Jones, who would late become a senior member of the Hockey Stick crew, along with James Hansen of NASA, had quoted that the global temperature for 1991 was cooler than 1990 which was just under 60 F. But in 1998 he was able to convince all the major climate monitoring agencies to drop their global temperatures to 58 degrees Fahrenheit! The above link is from NYT who published the global temperature report for 1991. The 1998 article is in the following link:
    According to the new figures, the average global temperature this year will turn out to be about 58 degrees Fahrenheit, a full degree Fahrenheit warmer than the …

  6. Sel Murray says:

    Is the planet supposed to be the same maximum and minimum temperature day in day out?
    The one degree Celsius the world has supposed to have warmed over the last 100 years shows the temperature of the earth is remarkably stable.

  7. Graeme Prior says:

    Phil Jones of CRU East Anglia, posted a global temperature of close to 60 degrees Fahrenheit in 1991, which tied in with the published data since 1970’s As a result of his work with Michael Mann on the Hockey Stick which showed global temperatures less than two degrees Fahrenheit cooler. He then convened a meeting with all the main climate authorities including NOAA, NASA and British Met Office who all agreed to match the rather dubious Hockey Stick Data.

    1. Hill says:

      Not quite Graeme. The major player was WMO who brokered the agreement. The Hockey Stick data also referred to the average temperature for the 1961-1990 period at 57 F as a reference which matched that of the WMO. The whammy is that the WMO did not publish temperatures until 1993 and the Hockey Stick data, released in 1998, had relied on one set of tree ring data and concealed a second because it did not fit with the required outcome. It also removed the medieval warming period which would have proved that the planet had experienced a similar warming period.
      It was fraud mate!!

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