The NOAA Land and Ocean Temperature data between 1880-2020, similar to the NASA GISS temperature data below, showed no significant warming throughout the period except for the “swell” in the graph between 1998-2020 where annual Global Average Surface Temperature anomalies were increased by an average of more than 0.07 degrees Celsius above their original climate reports. In the eight year period between 2005-2012 annual anomalies were raised by an average of 0.10 degrees Celsius. Anomalies, relative to the twentieth first century average of 13.90 degrees Celsius, were increased significantly since the original anomalies were first published, e.g. 2005 was increased from 0.58 C to 0.70 C, 2007 from 0.54 C to 0.66 C, 2010 from 0.62 C to 073 C and 2011 from 0.51 C to 0.63 C.
The graph below shows exactly the same temperature as the above but starts at 56 C. While the data shows that the last 22 years, 1998 to 2020, was the hottest period, the graph below uses a broken Y-axis that begins at 13.33°C instead of starting at zero. The chart does not hide this fact, and you can see that the chart’s Y-axis starts at 13.33°C (56 F) but the most visual effect is the misrepresentation of the rate of warming. There is no doubt that warming scare along with the trillions of Dollars that flowed towards it would never have happened had it not been for the graphs that were designed to to obtain funding by the exaggeration of the annual average global temperatures.
NASA the author of the above graph had already produced a table that showed temperatures about one degree Fahrenheit warmer as far back as 1973. The graph below, also from NASA, shows higher temperatures had prevailed much earlier in 1926 with temperatures also warmer than today at roughly 59.25 F.
According to the WMO, an agency of the UN, the the pre-industrial temperature was 13.76 degrees from which the 1.5 degree Celsius is added which makes 15.26 degrees Celsius the so called tipping point where we will lose control of the climate. However this temperature had already exceeded that back in 1926. They appear more anxious to get there by already raising the 2022 global temperature anomaly from 0.86 C to 0.91 C.
There was no official statement nor was it ever discussed which is strange. Why are they claiming that present temperatures are unprecedented when the world was warmer some 48 years ago. There was no fear attached to it then maybe that’s why.
That was the state of the back then but temperature monitoring has improved leaps and bounds since. Which does call into question the validity of historic data that we seem to be relying upon.
There was no reliable data from the SH until 1979 when satellites were first employed and even as late 2009 there was a shortage of floaters between 40 and 60 degrees south. It was more guess work before 1998 when all the agencies agreed to synchronize their temperature date.
I would not waste my time with these crazy left wing individuals who seem hell bent on lowering our standard of living. Things can change very quickly as they have in the past.