MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA — 7 October, 2022 — As cities in the southern hemisphere prepare for another blazing summer, City of Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp, in partnership with the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock) has appointed Tiffany Crawford and Krista Milne to the roles of “Chief Heat Officers”. The position was established through Arsht-Rock’s City Champions for Heat Action initiative. The historic appointments also earn Melbourne the distinction of becoming the first city in Australasia to elevate heat as a key issue of focus by naming city officials dedicated to the task of reducing the city’s risks to extreme heat.

1 Comment

  1. Geraldine says:

    This will cost Melbourne ratepayers more than half a million by the time electric cars are thrown in…. what a waste! Another victory for irrationality over common sense.

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