In the hurly-burly of the Voice campaign, Yes cheerleaders take regular issue with the assertion that Aboriginal related public spending is $30 billion or higher. They focus only on Aboriginal-specific programmes and services, and ignore Aboriginal peoples’ shares of health, education and especially welfare spending, so that per capita government spending per Aboriginal person is about twice that for the general population. That’s not to denigrate the social and economic reasons for this differential: it’s a fact. The Spectator Australia.
Excerpts below from an article written by Viv Forbes a senior author at
No humans evolved here in Australia – our ancestors all came from somewhere else.
The literal meaning of “indigenous” is “born here”, so most of us are indigenous.
To try to divide indigenous Australians on the basis of skin colour or length of ancestry is more about politics than justice or good government.
We are all Australians and we should never contemplate constitutional changes that promote and solidify racial division.
- No humans evolved in Australia – the pioneers all came from somewhere else, usually on things that floated. And rock art in the Kimberlies and other relics tell us that the current aboriginals were not the first humans to occupy this land.
- Despite having “native title” to far more land per head of population than all other Australians, tribal aboriginals often live in degraded communal enclaves with poor community protection especially for women and children.
- We need to question closely anything promoted so strongly by their ABC, QANTAS plus big banks, big business, big miners, the bureaucracy, the ALP/Green/Teal coalition and the Communist Party.
- Political power should not be granted to one race of Australians – Australia is now home to Aboriginals, Islanders, English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, Italian, German, Scandinavians, Melanesians, Greek, Kiwis, Afghans and Africans, plus other Europeans, Asians, and Africans. Most have made permanent homes here. All who embrace Australian citizenship should be treated equally before the law.
- This Voice proposal would make a permanent racial division in Australia. But how will the favoured race be continually identified? Will the chosen people or the more recent “invaders” need to be tattooed? Or will DNA evidence be needed to prove racial identity?
- People identifying as Aboriginals already have more representation in Parliament than their numbers would justify. They already have several voices.
- Huge government departments and billions of dollars are already representing aboriginal interests, but their conditions do not improve.
- We have noted how some Australians are already being banned from certain tourist spots, private landowners feel threatened by the relentless advance of “Native Title”, and explorers find Sacred sites and Rainbow Serpents appearing on promising mineral discoveries and along infrastructure sites and routes.
- We are continually annoyed to be “welcomed” to every big event by people stomping around in red nappies, blowing smoke and making drainpipe noises. Most of these ceremonies are modern inventions. We do not need to be welcomed to our own country.
- We note with annoyance that place names are being changed suddenly and without warning or consultation. Imagine what is in store for names like Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Cooktown. Or King George Square? And what about the nation of “Australia” that was created in 1901? Already the red and black flag is being flown next to the Australian Flag.Next the statues will start to fall.
- Their ABC has managed to alienate every bit of land as “land of the XXX People”. That has just alienated the rest of us.
- There never was “an aboriginal nation” – just many tribes each subject to unwritten tribal law. Will the Voice be called to adjudicate tribal disputes?
- We are already seeing certain books that report inconvenient history or anthropological records are disappearing from public libraries. Will the Voice be deciding what we are allowed to read?
- “The Voice” would soon be clamouring for treaties, reparations and seizure of more lands. However, Aboriginals would not get individual freehold titles – just communal ownership where some elders control everything. Property owned by everyone is cared for by no one.
- The most recent aboriginal migrants brought their dogs (dingoes) to Australia. They are now protected in many areas. But our horses, donkeys, sheep, cattle, camels and buffalo are “ferals” to be eliminated.
- Giving a special “Voice” to people of a certain skin colour or genetic history will just promote everlasting division and hatred. It aims to separate and give special privileges to certain people and their descendants forever.
- We must VOTE NO.
The above are excerpts from a more comprehensive article written by Viv Forbes senior author of
There was some 400–450 mobs in Australia .Each with their own language and customs . Some interacted with each other but most were savage and protected their land and woman from outsiders. That is the many problem with dealing with them . They are not one people like the Maori ,they were not connected tribes that wee a nation like north america. And each hate the other more than the white fellas. This voice is based on UNITY that a few will speak for them all. This is a lie . Jacinta Price wanted to lodge a petition signed by hundreds of Cape York elders that are opposed to the voice. Dont be fooled by the adds campaigns pay by you the taxpayer and the propaganda spread by the Labour Government or the Aboriginal caucus like NIAA . The voice is the greatest lie ever pushed onto the australian people by the Labour Government since they brought in the White Australian Policy . The voice is not about recognition or unification. Its about division and control in the hands of aristocratic academics that want the ATSICs millions that were turned off after they were found to be corrupt turned back on and that no government will be able to turn it off again ,Because it’s in the constitution , not legislated. No to racism ,No to the Voice . Yes to recognition .
The Voice would be a disaster. How could we achieve an agreement with so many different tribes with so many different requirements? You have to question what the Voice is designed to do other than divide the country. Offering big business rewards for supporting the voice has not gone unnoticed as did the recent removal of the ban on the purchase of alcohol with the cash card.