The graph below purports to show warming over 140 years using a graph with a broken Y-axis that begins at 13.4°C (56 F) instead of starting at zero. The intent of the graph is to demonstrate that global temperatures are going off the charts and we should panic but according to NASA’s own records, and in the second graph below, the global temperature in 1880 was about 58.50 F (14.72 C). Latest data from NASA indicates that global temperature in 2022 was 58.8 F (14.89 C).
Latest NASA graph below shows a global temperature of 14.89 C (58.8 F). This came after World of Change: Global Temperatures and The Earth-Atmosphere Energy Balance (updated in 2022) and interplanetary data Planetary Temperatures showed earth with a stable temperature of 15 C (59 F). Planet Specifications shows every planet in comprehensive detail.
You will see a back flip in order to keep the con alive but technology will expose the swindle.
Now that, through more sophisticated methods, they have measured the earth’s temperature at stable temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit 15 C, their options for the 1.5 above the pre-industrial temperature of say 13.67 C ?? have narrowed somewhat. The IPCC have predicted that we will exceed this (15.17 C) in at least one of the next five years. They do have some options because they have not revealed what the pre-industrial temperature was. At 14.89 C they still have plenty of room for more warming slightly above 15 C.