New, highly detailed images of the artificial islands China has built in the South China Sea have emerged. They show the intricacies of the radar installations, airfields, and naval gun emplacements, among buildings and other structures, located there. Captured by photographer Ezra Acayan flying in an aircraft near the man-made fortresses in the Spratly Islands, the images are some of the most detailed yet available of what China is up to there and they give a totally new perspective compared to the daily satellite images we see of these locations.       By Dan Parsons, Tyler Rogoway Published October 27, 2022

Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

Close-ups of one island in Cuarteron Reef show naval gun emplacements on a series of towers of increasing height, backed by a radar gunnery director. Atop the battlement-like setup is a large radome. The radar’s elevated position would give it a better line of sight over the horizon. These types of weapons installation have been something of a staple at these island outposts. In this case, it looks to host Type 730/1130 close-in weapon system (CIWS) and a H/PJ76 76mm multi-purpose deck gun. These would provide highly-localized defense against low-flying air threats, like cruise missiles, aircraft, and drones, as well as protection against vessels near the island.

                                                                     Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

Click on the above link for more photos of a number of Chinese man-made islands in the South China Seas.

Note the planting of trees and shore line buttressing to prevent erosion.

This could solve “the problem” for the Carteret Islands who were supposed to have gone under by 2015.

1 Comment

  1. Alan of Yarraville says:

    They are desperate to get these people off the Carteret Islands to reinforce the sea level rise/global warming dogma but the islanders are happy and don’t want to move. Why not plant more trees and buttress the shore line if we really want to help them or ask China for advice. Forget the scare tactics.

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