According to the World Meteorology Organisation (WMO) 2023 temperature data there has been no significant change in the rate of warming since the first publication of global temperatures in the 1980’s when NASA’s J. Hansen (below) testified before the US Congress. In fact records show that the earth has cooled slightly since NASA had published the 1990 global temperature at (15.45 C)

The authorities have muddied the waters somewhat by constantly changing the reference period, most recently by the use of the pre-industrial temperature of 13.73 C, not previously revealed as the baseline reference (1850-1900), and listing departures from that period to calculate global annual temperatures viz:

NASA was 1.36 C above the pre-industrial average of 13.73 C at 15.09 C (59.16 F)

WMO was 1.45 C above the pre-industrial average of 13.73 C at 15.18 C (59.38 F)

NOAA was 1.18 C above the 20th century average of 13.90 C at 15.08 C (59.14 F)

British Met Office 1.46 C plus pre-industrial average 13.73 C at 15.19 C (59.34 F)

CRU East Anglia 1.46 C plus pre-industrial average 13.73 C  at 15.19 C (59.34 F)

WMO calculated, 2023 was 1.45°C warmer than the pre-industrial period of 13.73 C at 15.18 C which was perilously close to the 1.5°C threshold of 15.23 C that nations agreed to respect in the 2015 Paris climate accords, with 2.0°C not to be crossed. Breaching this limit, say scientists, risks more storms, droughts, extreme heat, and flooding than humanity can safely handle, however, temperatures in the 1980’s and 1990’s were much warmer than the dreaded 15.23 C (59.41 F) limit referred to..

Will the lower temperatures since 1995 convince the Government to drop this Net Zero madness that will end up ruining the economy and our quality of life?

1988 Graph British Met Office and CRU East Anglia

NASA Global Temperature Graph (3)

Time on Hottest Ever (2)

NOAA confirms the pre-industrial temperature NOAA detail on pre-industrial

Global Warmth In ’88 Is Found To Set a Record – The New York Times

A Global Warming Resumed in 1994, Climate Data Show – The New York Times

Dr. Hansen’s research group reported on the basis of temperature measurements on land that last year (1994) tied with 1987 as the fourth warmest year since comparable records were first kept in 1880. In both years, the average surface temperature was 59.58 degrees Fahrenheit. The 1990 record high was 59.81 degrees.

The eight warmest years since 1880 have all occurred in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the NASA Goddard group said. (The global temperature in 1994 and 1987 were both measured at 59.58 F (15.32 F), similar to the WMO and British Met Office global temperatures published in 2023..

95 Is Hottest Year on Record As the Global Trend Resumes

Separate Studies Rank 1990 As World’s Warmest Year

But not shown on NASA graph below 1880-2020. Each column is 10 years

Excerpt from the McKinsey report: “At present, though, the net-zero equation remains unsolved: greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated and are not counterbalanced by removals, nor is the world prepared to complete the net-zero transition. Indeed, even if all net-zero commitments and national climate pledges were fulfilled, research suggests that warming would not be held to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, increasing the odds of initiating the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, including the risk of biotic feedback loops. Moreover, most of these commitments have yet to be backed by detailed plans or executed. Nor would execution be easy: solving the net-zero equation cannot be divorced from pursuing economic development and inclusive growth. It would require a careful balancing of the shorter-term risks of poorly prepared or uncoordinated action with the longer-term risks of insufficient or delayed action. Indeed, a more disorderly transition could impair energy supply and affect energy access and affordability, especially for lower-income households and regions. It could also have knock-on impacts on the economy more broadly, potentially creating a backlash that would slow down the transition'”

Earth Temp 1. Planetary Fact Sheet


  1. Holten says:

    I doubt that they will go any higher, perhaps now and again to keep the converted in a state of fear. These crooks will continue to target school children which is an absolute disgrace. Once they feel as though the people might be onto them they change the anomaly or the baselines.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This could be the beginning of a push back against the UN who are said to have devised a plan for the sharing of the world’s wealth by using its subsidiary, the IPCC, to lie about global warming.

  3. Raymond Churchill says:

    Melbourne Council has declared a climate emergency but never asked us whether we agreed I imagine they will be paid more for this decision so the chances of getting a fair hearing from Councillors as a rate payer looks pretty remote

  4. Raechal says:

    We live in Ballarat, Australia which is two degrees Celsius cooler in summer than Bendigo, about 100 Kilometers away. We have often thought about moving to Bendigo for the warmer weather, however, Bendigo could be more likely to exceed the 1.5C that the IPCC refer to where catastrophic weather events are likely to occur…so I guess we will stay where we are.

  5. Lucy says:

    The Melbourne City Council are following advice from the government which is where your complaints should be directed.

  6. Honey says:

    NASA can now measure the average temperature of all the planets in our solar system as well as many of their moons. NASA has measured earth’s temperature at an average of 15 degrees Celsius which might explain why NASA is unlikely go much higher than the 15.09 C they have published for 2023.

  7. Warren says:

    If you look closely at the NASA graph you will see that the temperatures in 1900 and 1915 were near enough to 59 F which means the world could have warmed by as much as one degree Celsius immediately after the pre-industrial period (1850-1900) at 13.73 C.

  8. Talford says:

    We might get close to Net Zero because we are not burning the record amounts of coal we are exporting so we are not responsible for emissions in the process? NO!…1992 Rio agreement, principle 2: States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental and developmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. Australia, Canada and Dubai should be reminded!!

  9. Warrigal Tom says:

    Closing statement at Madrid Conference: “The European Union and its Member States stand firm behind the Paris Agreement. We came to Madrid to wrap up the ‘Katowice rule book’ and to clear the path for raising ambition in 2020 at COP26 in Glasgow. Since we arrived here, the World Meteorological Organisation has told us that the global average temperature reached 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels in 2019 concluding a decade of exceptional global heat, and hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to demand more ambitious climate action. The EU is deeply concerned by the recent UN reports confirming that, collectively, Nationally Determined Contributions submitted by Parties and current GHG emission trajectories fall far short of what is required to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement”.
    It was delivered in what seemed like a false emotional speech with same amount of warming such as exceptional heat and same 1.1 C of warming rubbish. I remember my wife’s comments at the time ..this bloke is a BS artist.

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