With a total construction area of 214,000 square meters and a building height of 74.95 meters, the 3,200 Social Housing Units project in Maldives located in Hulhumale Phase-2 consists of 7 buildings of 25-floors each and 1 floor underground. This is China’s largest housing project in Maldives. It is the first project in Maldives to achieve the construction speed of one floor in three days, and it is also the first application of the technologies in the region, such as the construction of high-rise houses in complex coral areas. Sea level rise no worry!

                    3,200 Social Housing Units Project in Maldives

Canberra Times 26th of September 1988: Threat to islands MALE, Maldives: A gradual rise in average sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation of 1196 small islands with-in the next 30 years, according to authorities. The United Nation’s Environmental Affairs Director, Mr Hussein Shihab, said an estimated rise of 20 to 30 centimeters in the next 20 to 40 years could be “catastrophic” for most of the islands, which were no more than a meter above sea level. The United Nations Environment Project was planning a study of the problem. But the end of the Maldives and its 200,000 people could come sooner if drinking water supplies dry up by 1992, as predicted.


  1. Swanny says:

    The United Nations, once a peace keeping force, is now a huge conglomerate intent on weakening the western nations using the nonexistent climate change as a weapon. China has no restrictions and can do what it likes up until 2060 by which time it will be a super power.

  2. Dudley says:

    The thirty year deadline came and went in 2018 and the sea level surrounding the Maldives has remained as stable as what it was when the scare campaign began in the 1980’s.

  3. Ray Garby says:

    China in its latest pledge will continue towards a peak in its emissions by 2030 then work towards reaching zero emissions by 2060. Which means they will stop burning coal at it’s increasing number of coal fired power stations, at the rate of two per week, by 2030.

    1. Sel Murray says:

      Sorry pal but no one is interested!
      They are too busy making ends meet.

  4. Anonyme says:

    China has been given extra time to achieve net zero emissions by allowing it a thirty year period up to 2060. Why ? Because China is a developing country!.
    The earth temperature is likely to remain at 15 C (59 F) unless an interplanetary disaster was to occur. It is time to put aside dooms day scenarios and get real.

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