SHEPPARTON, BENDIGO, CASTLEMAINE AND BALLARAT COMPARISON lets you compare and contrast using data from Airports of any other city worldwide. You can obtain a detailed report with graphs showing the precise differences between them. The altitudes (height above sea level) of the four Victorian country towns selected are the following: Shepparton 116 m, Bendigo 213 m, Castlemaine 311 m and Ballarat at 441 m. All four centres are approximately 100 m difference in height and are located within a latitude of between 36 to 38 degrees south of the equator. Elevation is what influences the temperature which according to reliable sources 100 m (328 ft) of gaining height can cause temperature drops of 0.7-1.0 °C (1.8 F). The graph below shows a two degree Celsius difference between each town’s highs and a one degree Celsius in their July lows which is consistent with the height/temperature ratio.

It is hard to reconcile how they could claim the earth is warming due to carbon dioxide (a compound) which has increased by 140 parts per million since 1965. It is a trace gas…. if you doubled it you would still have nothing! Why are they implicating carbon by calling a trace gas reduction de-carbonising….Please!

1 Comment

  1. Rodney says:

    An interesting comparison indeed! It clearly demonstrates that it is not possible to measure the average temperature of the earth. Every point of the earth is unique temperature wise..

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