Instead, anomalies relative to the pre-industrial average temperature, will now be used to determine global temperatures in the future. The global temperature we must not exceed is 15.23 C, (1.50 C above the pre-industrial average of 13.73 C.) see NOAA Climate. link. Below are the 2023 average global temperatures shown in red are based upon anomalies peculiar to each authority. NOAA 1.35 C at 15.08 C, NASA 1.36 C at 15.09 C. British Met Office 1.45 C at 15.18 C, CRU East Anglia 1.46 C at 15.19 C, WMO 1.45 C at 15.18 C. NASA and NOAA are now close enough to a match in their planetary data. A number of media outlets are exaggerating temperatures such as TIME magazine. Time on Hottest Ever (2)

The top graph is from NASA and the bottom is from NOAA. Both are misleading in using a broken zero Y axis that starts 14 C and 13.90 C respectively and a baseline temperature reference period that screams the message that global temperatures are going off the charts – it’s time to panic. There is no denying that we as a world need to get serious about investing in alternative and renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, and even nuclear. When you resort to such gimmickry to reinforce your point, it not only hurts your credibility but also harms the warming cause.

The above graph from NASA is drawn correctly using the same temperatures. They had chosen not to use this graph because it was drawn with a zero Y axis and would not create concern among our school children. There has been a small amount of global warming as the above graph indicates but hardly enough to say that the “the world is boiling” (Guterres UN). The above graph does not show 1990 as NASA’s warmest year at 59.81 F…a remarkably stable planet.


  1. Angela Garby says:

    Good luck with the zero emissions!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    No wonder they have stopped using graphs. Drawn properly they show very little temperature rise which could easily be attributed to eccentricity or a slight change in the earth’s axis.

    1. Talford says:

      You are correct the global warming is trivial. John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, found that the earth had warmed by only one degree Fahrenheit from 1880 to 1997.

  3. Gerald says:

    Your graph is, by your own argument, also wrong and should be redrawn using absolute zero and therefore show a dead flat line. Or … you could just as easily accept that using a zero point of “the average over X years” *is* a valid decision.
    When graphing values that are very sensitive to small changes (such as the oxygen carrying capacity of water at various temperatures, or *gasp* climate temperatures), it is pointless (and equally dishonest) to have the Y axis start at zero Celsius, zero Fahrenheit, absolute zero, or any other point.
    At about 21 degrees (water temperature), most fish will struggle to get enough oxygen and die, and your argument is that a 0.89 degree average warming is not significant. The fish in shallow water at 20.5 degrees would beg to differ.

  4. kerry kitchen says:

    This is the sought of thing that they are dishing up to our school children. It is time for the responsible authority to step and ban this deception.

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