Lessons in climate change, the environment and how to protest was to be a compulsory subject at all schools world wide and part of the Paris Accord under plans that the UN developed for the climate summit in Glasgow. Teaching children about the environment, the green economy and how to take action against government to stop environmental harm, was considered essential parts for preparing future workers for what campaigners had said was the third industrial revolution. UN negotiators were hopeful details could be agreed upon in Italy later that year so they could be adopted by leaders at the UN summit.

They started teaching climate dogma to primary school children back in the nineties and many of the young hysterical people of today are now gluing themselves to main roads and  a young girl wanting to draw attention to the warming climate locked herself to the steering wheel of her car to block one end of a traffic tunnel, a result of the so called “teaching” by our left wing teachers.

Views that don’t accord with the accepted climate dogma are being ignored in our schools. Teachers react angrily when colleagues try putting a reasonable case questioning global warming/climate change. This would be harmless if it did not put in doubt their ability to understand views opposed to their own. UNESCO Education On Climate


  1. Alan Sanderson says:

    The climate protests seemed to have dropped off and they are now protesting about whats happening in the middle east. Laying down on roads did not do much for their cause, besides the super glue they were using was made from fossil fuels!

  2. Alan says:

    Preparing future workers for what campaigners had said was the third industrial revolution?. This ridiculous statement could only have come from senior UN official Guterres who recently declared that the earth is boiling!

  3. Anonyme says:

    I saw Guterres with his arm around Putin which I suspect was in the process of sucking up to Russia. The Security Council cannot take any decisive action because Russia is able to block everything. The war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine has exposed an overdue need for a radical reassessment of the U.N. and its Security Council, organizations that have proven unable to fulfill their promise to ensure global peace.

  4. Ian Billet says:

    Much Western impetus comes from the wholly unelected UN body of UNESCO, which has called for environmental studies to become “standard teaching in all countries by 2025” – only a few weeks away at time of writing, so we ‘free’ Western nations had better act fast.

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