Tom Karl, as senior climatologist at NOAA, increased temperature anomalies prior to the 2015 Kyoto Paris climate conference. The anomalies  on the right hand column of the chart below, show temperatures up to 16.91 C in a failed attempt to influence Congress before the Kyoto climate conference in 1997. Temperatures on the right, also shown in Red, are where Karl raised annual anomalies by an average of about 0.07 C prior to the Paris Conference in 2015.


The Karl temperatures did not match data previously published by WMO and NOAA shown on the left and centre columns of the table. WMO do not measure global temperatures, instead, publish temperatures after examining data from a number of reputable climate monitoring authorities. There was no significant warming between 1997 and 2013 and only in the last decade between 2014 to 2024 has there been any sign of global warming and in those 10 years the atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, said to be the cause of global warming, has increased by only 23 parts per million over the decade.

Slide Show – Climate Anomolies From 2007  The above link shows how global temperatures were gradually increased in the warmest year’s segment of each annual climate report. You need only one report to access all reports up till 2024 by simply inserting the year you want at the heading of each climate report.                      NOAA Climate Reports



  1. Toc says:

    The climate report for 2010 shows a temperature of 0.62 C but is gradually increased in subsequent reports to 0.72 C without explanation. Its Global Warming AT THE HAND OF MAN!

  2. Max says:

    Tom Karl had ruled the roost and posted dud temperatures as far back 1850.

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