Following allegations of impropriety over the handling of a controversial climate change report, a government watchdog group had wanted to know whether there was any collaboration between the report’s lead author and a key Obama adviser. On the 27/3 /2017 , Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit seeking “all records of communications between a pair of scientists who heavily influenced the Obama administration’s climate change policy and its backing of the Paris Agreement.” There were two occasions when temperatures records were raised by NOAA in the period from 1900 to 1997 and again from 2001 to 2015, both before climate conferences, 1997 prior to the Kyoto and in 2015 before the Paris conference. “To protect the independence of its scientists, we believe that NOAA is justified in resisting this newest demand, Further, we hope that you will decide to stop this fishing expedition by rescinding your latest inquiry, as well as withdrawing your original subpoena” A. A. Rosenberg……Union of Concerned  Scientists

Karl of NOAA Raised Global Temperatures Between 1900-1997 and 2001-2015 shown in RED

NOAA Climate Reports

The above link to annual reports from 2001 to 2020 show temperatures first published by NOAA have been increased by average of 0.07 C in the above.

The temperatures from 1900 to 1997, shown in red, after they were increased by about 2.5 C per year.

62.45 degrees Fahrenheit equals 16.91 degrees Celsius.


  1. Ray Stringer says:

    That means the whole warming thing is a fraud. I have always had doubts about it especially the way the press and politicians have exploited it. The worst part is that they are brainwashing our children.. maybe when Trump pulls out of Paris Agreement other countries may follow.

  2. Lawrence Moss says:

    Its seem like everyone wants a doomsday scenario, it is not enough that the climate has been changing for thousands of years since Dinosaurs roamed the earth and the North Pole was once a forest….we must fear the future!

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