2005 DD08 Rules Pre C96 Amendment 2005 to 2013
DD08 Rules , Pre C96 Amendment 2005 to 2013
Maps of affected areas. (2010)
See below for some details of the areas affected, Council says “…approximately 30,000 people were directly notified of the amendment, which included all affected property owners/occupiers.” Did You Know ?
High_Density-Street_Map-DD08_Manningham 07ddo
DD08 Overlay Rules & Street Map
Legal disclaimer: This information is provided as a summary and easy reference point to information. We will always evdevour to have accurate information, without the excess fluff from source information.
This information is intended to allow you to ask for more details from authorities, not to replace them. Always seek clarification. This is not a paid site, rather it is volunteered research and information. shared for those interested.
These are from the document available for download above “DD08-Overlay-Rules-Map.pdf”
Click these manningham area Maps to zoom in, or click on the pdf above to download it.