2012-03 Draft Residential Review – Manningham 2012 stage 2
Some resources for the reviewers out there.
Here are our proposed updates – draft for review updated 2012-03-20 15:00
1. DD08 proposed 43_02s08_mannSBS RAIDID Suggestion PLI
2.Municipal Strategy 21-05 21_mss05_mann_SBS RAIDID Suggestion PLI
3. Council report Draft Res Strategy 2012-03 Council Report_Word Version RAIDID suggestion
4. Powerpoint presentation Manningham Draft Res Strategy Submision 2012-03-19
These are early drafts for discussion.
These word documents were supplied by the Council so that we can use them to propose improvements. They should be better than the ones I converted shown underneath.
1.Council report as used in Agenda Draft Res Strategy 2012-03 Council Report_Word Version (148K)
2.Municipal Strategy 21-05 21_mss05_mann_SBS (11 meg)
3. DD08 with Council proposed changes DD08 proposed 43_02s08_mannSBS (72K) selected pages not the entire DD08.
Sections of the meeting minutes referring to the Draft Res Strategy ( Section 9.1) Full minutes are at the council web site under meetings and agendas.
these were converted – roughly from the PDF documents.
1 . minutes-28-february-2012 section 9-1 Res strategy Intro pages 284-297 63Kb
2. minutes-28-february-2012 section9-1 submissions and responses pgs 298-340 ( 15 Meg)
3. minutes-28-february-2012 section9-1 DD08 draft changes pg 341 to end 348 ( 2 meg)