Elections 2012 Manningham Council Koonung: Magdi Khalil

Koonung ward

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I am introducing myself – to some of you who know me, re-introducing myself as your candidate in Koonung ward for the upcoming council elections.

I live in the Doncaster Hill precinct and know too well the issues and challenges concerning high density residential developments and been in direct liaison with the Heads of the Planning dept since 2002.

I have a young family all of whom attended local primary schools and secondary colleges, my 2 boys are members of the Doncaster Junior Footbal club since Auskick and the girls…young ladies now, have been with local basketball and Doncaster Calisthenics clubs amongst numerous others!

I’m a serving member on St Gregory’s Primary School  Education Board and have been for past 9 years (and part of that parish for 28 years), former president of Doncaster Kindergarten and have served on various local non-profit organisations committees.

I have attached below my Candidate Statement as it will be on the Voting Papers.

Your vote will ensure you have a leader with a strong representative voice to serve you better.

Thank you…

Written & authorised by Magdi Khalil Level 8, 180 Russell Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Working Together To Build  A Better Future

Vote              Khalil, Magdi 

Candidate for Koonung ward

My family is one of 3 generations living in Koonung for the past 28 years.I’m an organisational change management consultant and bring my expertise to represent concerns, issues and views of all residents.

  • I will oppose inappropriate residential/commercial developments that don’t adhere to planning requirements and ensure relative infrastructure, maintenance services and facilities are addressed.
  • Review traffic and car parking issues resulting from an increase in residential/commercial developments.
  • Ensure up-to-date facilities and amenities are accessible to the elderly and disabled.
  • Increase support for local sporting clubs and youth activity centres to promote youth community engagement.
  • Create initiatives to strengthen and expand locally owned small/medium business retention and expansion efforts to invest in job creation opportunities.
As a councellor, I will be a strong voice for our community and champion a balanced approach to decision-making that is participatory and inclusive.

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