Manningham Leader, July 9th. Frank & Les with their best “NOT HAPPY JAN” faces on, were able to share the reality of the over development, from Curlew Court itself. You can see the dead end of the Court behind them (us,) and we hope this is the first of many updates by the papers, in […]
High Density Hell – Puttin the word on the Street !
Well we all realise that a couple of neighbors, even a couple of streets, upset with a single development, will struggle to get Goliath to move. So this weekend we are putting the word on the street. Throughout Manningham, 6080 of our closest neighbors, zoned just like us in the Developers Delight (DD08,) will find […]
The People ARE Winning
Although it takes some effort, there are some David & Goliath type stories out there. It’s hard work for just a few to sway the system, or change it’s direction, but it has been done. Over the next few weeks we are going to collect a selection of those that succeeded, how they did it, […]
Update from Shadow Minister for planning
I contacted the Shadow Minister for Planning, Mr. Brian Tees. He has his office in Doncaster so his staffers are well aware of the developments. His office was not aware of the issues in Curlew Crt and so I have sent a letter informing him of this development and the relevant supporting documents. According to […]
Change needed from State Government on Planning – MP Mary Wooldridge now aware.
Update, Tonight Mary Wooldridge had her open community night. And we had a voice, rather several voices. Thanks to all that attended, and thanks to Mary for the opportunity to share our concerns. Mary is the Member for Doncaster in Vic State Government. Feel free to contact her via her web site and submit issues. […]
High Density, NO – awareness is Key
For any of us to engage the council enough to change this overcooked High Density policy’s direction, it will take a public uproar, and many voices shouting together.Therefore I think it will be necessary to start an awareness campaign. We need to spread the word, let everyone know it could happen next door to their […]
Welcome to the Curlew Blog
At the Curlew Blog we hope to share information about the un-sustainable madness Manningham Council is pursuing. Building High Density Apartments inside small courts, or other suburbia, and believing it will have no negative impact on Traffic, Parking, or neighborhood character is ludicrous. The Process for Residents to Object to these developments is far from […]