Bike path cost a bit steep, Bicycles & Expert Consultants !
This one just in from Warren, the champion for the bike riders and pedestrians amongst us.. Part 2
I would appreciate it if you could arrange it for the website. It should also be in tomorrow’s paper.
There is more to this story than meets the eye, either there was an instruction not to mention the area topography or the consultants and engineers engaged in producing the 3 pedestrian/cycle plans were incompetent.
——ORIGINAL EMAIL —– From: Warren [address not published]
Sent: Tuesday, 21 June 2011 11:50 AM
To: All Manningham Councilors and Planning management. Subject: Safe Gradient Review
Dear Lydia, Paul, staff and Councillors,
We welcome the advice received this day indicating that council will at last reconsider its position and consult expert opinion on safe gradient limits re the pedestrian/cycle path originally proposed, particularly in precinct 2.
Unfortunately all three published pedestrian/cycling plans or the main GTA traffic documents had not even mentioned the word gradient or any reference to the difficult topography.
It should be noted that the safe gradient guidelines contained in the link below and the attached are general and for very obvious reasons would need to be more stringently applied on Doncaster Hill given the dense population envisaged.
Among the contributors to the pasted link are Aust Roads, Andrew O’Brien & Associates (well known to council) and AASHTO.
The attachment from Bike West makes similar recommendations.
Hills, Gradients & Slopes – Bicycle Victoria
Hope this information is helpful,
Warren [name not published]