Could apartments be built on a Res3 zoned property?

In Manningham Council much of the residential areas ( away from activity centres,) is zoned “Residential 3” often referred to as Res3.

There recently was a site up for sale and the locals were concerned that a developer might buy it for apartments, fortunately the answer from Manningham planning was that apartments would not be allowed.

Two storey townhouses would be possible, but not Apartments. Follow this link find out more about Zoning in Manningham.

To Teresa Domink                            9 Highfield Road East Doncaster

Hello Teresa,

Further to my previous email re the above address in Res 3 zone …… there is concern in the neighbourhood that an apartment block is permissible on the 1255 sq m block / 9 Highfield Road.

Can you please confirm that apartments are not permissible on this block …. as distinct from multiple 2 storey units


From teresa Domink – Planning Director Manningham Council.
Re: 9 Highfield Road East Doncaster
As previously advised this is Res 3 and yes apartments not allowed.

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